I have not yet taken down my Christmas tree. Frankly, I don't know when, or if, I will. As we approach the end of our fragile democratic republic as we know it, it stands as a bright spot in my days and nights. And I am loathe to box up and put away that light.
The holiday season was a respite from the constant gnawing inside and I thank you all for that. Being able to lose myself in the happy task of elfing for so many children and families was a gift. And aside being with my children and granddaughter on Christmas morning, the biggest gift I received.
But as the old year gave way to the new, there is no escaping the realities ahead of us.
In January of 2017, still gobsmacked at the election results, we can be forgiven for consoling ourselves with thoughts like, "Oh, it may not be as bad as we fear" and "maybe he will surround himself with strong people in their respective fields". Empty platitudes all as it turned out. We spent four years watching as he and his coven worked to hurt as many people as possible, to indulge their thirst for inflicting fear and chaos, to enrich themselves with absolutely no worries about accountability.
Under that administration we watched as children were forever torn from their parents for the sin of being born on the wrong side of an invisible line. We were cast to the winds of a global health crisis that still exists and took from us over 1 million of our neighbors. Our standing on the world stage was demolished as a spray painted buffoon represented this nation. A carnival barker whose operating system is programmed for the greater glory of ONE.
Casting him out was a celebration. Literally. Remember the dancing in the streets? Watching as sane governance replaced chaos agents and cronyism, as adults replaced spoiled brats playing make believe, as some semblance of decency began to take hold once again, it was easier to breathe, to hope, to look forward again.
Those feelings only grew as Kamala Harris ignited a fire inside us. There was so much energy, so much enthusiasm, so much desire to see the possibilities turn into realities that would lift, protect, grow, and strengthen this nation. It was not just that her events dwarfed his, her message did as well. Where he rambled, slurred, and tilted at imaginary cancer causing windmills, she spoke plainly of lifting everyone. He threatened, she enlightened. He targeted and stoked the fires of racism and bigotry and hate, while she spoke of unity.
In the end it did not matter. Could not matter. Aided by a ketamine addicted, apartheid loving billionaire, it did not matter that the numbers were ours. It did not matter how heinous was his message and promises to hurt so very many people. They were never worried about losing, which is why so many of us were deeply concerned.
I will not spend much time here speaking about the way it played out. Enough statisticians have combed through the data and have spoken openly about the glaring discrepancies, begging for deeper, forensic analysis. But the time for that has come and gone. Two days ago, Dems did what we seem to do best - think the other side will see our decency and adherence to century old norms and ritual, and be moved to do the same. He was certified and we are fucked.
That is not hyperbole. We do not have the luxury of what ifs as we did in 2017. We have seen this horror movie before. And like most sequels, this one will be hideous. More blood, more gore, more pain, more loss. And more glee on the faces of the villains as they mete out their promised destruction.
There is much talk on our side about resistance. The Resistanceā¢. It's a noble thought, being the underdogs, the ones who stay the course and rise up against the oppressors. And yes, we need to stay unified in that goal.
But I will not tell you that you should not be scared. You should be.
The ones coming into power want one thing: MORE POWER.
OK, fine, they want one other thing: MONEY.
As if they don't have enough already.
I think about that piece so often. What would I do if I had Zuckerberg or Musk level money in my possession? Maybe it's because I don't and never will, but my answer is simple and never changes.
Having half a trillion dollars and seeking only to stockpile more is vile. But that is Musk's goal. He wants to be the first trillionaire on the planet. Why? What in the name of fuck is the point? Zuckerberg, too. Bending the knee to Trump with a single goal, the furtherance of his own bank accounts. Bezos? Same. Trump? Well, we all know that there will never be enough money, fame, toys, and ass kissing to slake his lust for all of those things.
They do not care about the people - you, me, your ailing parents. We are data to be sold. We are wallets to be exploited. We are means to an end, and if that end results in our end? Meh. We are not real to any of them. Our pain, our fear, our struggles are meaningless.
We don't matter. And wake up, MAGAts, because YOU are part of that WE. Your ignorant fantasies that somehow you will be spared when their trickle down eek!onomics begin; when their ghoulish desire to withdraw your health insurance happens and your child is diagnosed with cancer; when their greedy hands empty your social security dollars and you are frantically searching for those fabled bootstraps; when you really cannot afford eggs; when your jobs vaporize; when your wife bleeds out from an ectopic pregnancy no doctor will touch; when you are deported (despite draping yourself in MAGA red).
It would be so easy to sit back and laugh at the red hats who continued to support him and are now learning that the ACA is Obamacare; learning what a tariff actually is and does; learning that their taxes are going to go up while the 1% continue to pay less and less each year; learning that their much loved child is transgender and they cannot do anything to help them; learning that vaccines keep children alive - a lesson far too many will only learn as they bury their intentionally compromised children.
So easy to laugh at them all. The way they have openly laughed at us for so long. So easy to scoff at them the way they have scoffed at us. So easy to ignore their fears and their suffering.
The problem is, I'm not built that way. Neither are you. We see fear and we want to protect. We see struggle and we reach out to ease the burden. We see someone targeted and we circle the wagons around them.
What's coming is dangerous and self serving and is a beast intent on gorging itself on the fears and tears and heartache and strife of the masses.
I want to feel hope. I do. I need to feel hope. I go to sleep and wake up with the same bone deep fears for my children - my daughters who are seen as less than, as broodmares by these cretins; my transgender son who is not even viewed as human by these willfully ignorant creatures; my granddaughter who has lost rights to her own body and she is only 2 years old.
My hope exists in believing that pain will open the eyes of the many who have kept them closed. My hope is sustained by knowing how many people like me there are in this country, this world. Knowing that we do outnumber this wretched minority. Trust me, they know it as well, and there are some among them smart enough to know the inherent danger in pushing too many people too hard for too long. Luigi Mangione is not some outlier. He just stepped forward first.
And finally, my hope exists in the twinkle lights on my Christmas tree. A gentle reminder that even in the darkest of rooms, of times, there is always light. That light is in you, in me, in the hearts and minds of every decent person who tried to keep this from happening.
Keep resisting. Keep twinkling. I promise I will do the same.
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