Last night in a suburb of Phoenix something pretty amazing took place. Glendale, where my parents lived for decades, and where my mother still resides, was home to a campaign event for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at the Desert Diamond Arena. Capacity at that venue is 20,000. The campaign received 25,000 requests for tickets.
As video and photos streamed forth online, hours before the event was to begin, it became readily apparent that another massive gathering was happening. Lines of people waited patiently in the 105 degree desert heat, shielded from the sun by cover provided by the campaign. Once inside, patient crowds enjoyed concessions and upbeat music and camaraderie.
Again, what was missing? Ridiculously large flags with the candidate's face on them, Nazis, and Grab My Pussy t-shirts. You have to wonder, can you even call it a rally without some GMP shirts? Seriously.
As people posted from inside, they relayed the "vibes", the energy, the smiles. Again, such a stark contrast to a Trump rally where everyone is scared, talking shit, and waving their stupid arsenal of Trump gladiator porn. Before the first speaker even hit the stage, the hashtag #KamalaBringsUsJoy was trending.
I will state again that joy and hope - those two very elusive feelings for so long - have been unleashed by this campaign. In a complete inverse to Trump releasing all manner of bigotry, racism, and hate, Harris and Walz have broke open the floodgates of happy and people are pouring through. For far too many years we have watched as this virulent strain of MAGAtry has co-opted the Republican party, stripped bare the carefully concealed hatred and humanity famine of friends and family members, and watched as the American flag turned into a symbol of hatriotism, not patriotism.
That last part is so sad. But tell me you haven't seen trucks and cars and boats with flags attached and recoiled because you just knew where the driver's allegiance was to be found. We all have. As for the lost friends and family members? I still say good riddance. Once upon a time, politics were something we could disagree about based on policy, fiscal views, true issues. That's simply not the case anymore. What Trump exposed is not just a difference in politics, it's a difference in humanity.
And humanity was out in full force last night. It was beautiful to watch, and I can only imagine the feeling to be inside, to be a part of what certainly can be described by the Hamilton line, "it's not a moment, it's the movement."
I watched them all speak, enjoyed the crowd responding and cheering, even admired how VP Harris again spoke back to protesters who interrupted her stump speech. The subject was the same - Gaza/Israel. And the subject is valid. We woke again to news that Israel bombed a school that was serving as a refuge for the displaced. While Israel defends its actions by saying they, "precisely struck Hamas terrorists operating within a Hamas command and control centre embedded in the Al-Taba'een school" it does not magically erase the fact that 90 innocent people were killed. Add that number to the already dead 39,720 and 92,002 injured and you can see the validity of the outcry. Whether you agree with the timing and placement of the protest, the protest is not going away.
She spoke forcefully, acknowledging them, and stating clearly that now is the time for a ceasefire, promising that she and President Joe Biden are working around the clock to make it happen. That last part bears repeating because we get frustrated by what we don't see, believing it means nothing is taking place. And then suddenly, all that silence and nothing is replaced by something like Americans jailed in Russia being released and arriving back on American soil. Diplomacy and all the machinations it takes to achieve anything in this world go largely unseen. Until the result.
But there needs to be a result soon in Gaza. And yes, I realize it is all compounded and twisted by long standing US-Israel relations and decades old agreements, and the fact that Hamas has spent years and years digging tunnels and literally embedding itself in the citizenry, making any strike against them rife with the deaths of innocent men, women, and children. BUT, those deaths cannot simply continue to be considered collateral damage, an inconvenience. Their lives matter just as much as anyone across the dividing line, as much as yours, as much as mine.
OK, back from my tangent...
Everyone, from Congressman Ruben Gallego to Senator Mark Kelly to Gabby Giffords (her constant woohooing caught by the mic was so endearing) to Walz and Harris fired up the crowd, energized the crowd, spoke truth to Trump's impotence, and drove home the theme of "We're not going back." It was all wonderful. However, for me, the most salient words of the night came not from a Harris stalwart or long standing Dem. They came from a lifetime Republican.
That's right. In the midst of that beautiful sea of blue, of harmony, of hope, stood an unlikely ally.
John Giles, current mayor of Mesa, Arizona, and again, a lifetime Republican, took to the podium and clearly stated this:
""I do not recognize my party. I have something to say to those of us who are in the middle: You don’t owe a damn thing to that party. You don’t owe anything to a party that is out of touch and hell-bent on taking us backward. And by all means, you owe no loyalty to a candidate who is morally and ethically bankrupt ... in the spirit of the great Senator John McCain, please join me in putting country over party and stopping Donald Trump.”
His full remarks here:
“You don’t owe anything to a party that is out of touch and hell-bent on taking us backward…In the spirit of the great Senator John McCain, please join me in putting country over party and stopping Donald Trump.” We need more people like Mayor
— Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) August 10, 2024
That is a stunning rebuke in a climate where even hinting you are no longer on the Trump train earns you immediate death threats from the MAGAtry. (Looking at you Kyle Rittenhouse, Joe Rogan, Tim Poole - all three found out how quickly the rubes turn against you, resulting in an about face to save face and the dollars they, too, bilk from the base.)
Again powerful words. And a clear, brave call to any Republican who has gritted their teeth, clung to their partisanship, and had trouble looking in the mirror for almost ten years now. Because there is no Republican party anymore. It was cannibalized by Donald Trump and an insatiable horde of power seekers, bloodlusters, and white nationalists. Holding your nose to vote for the "stupidest person who has ever won a nomination for president" (thank you, Lawrence O'Donnell); a man who personifies greed and narcissism and avarice; the easily manipulated dullard who promises to bring Project 2025 to life - you don't have to do it.
You can finally accept the realities of who he is, what your party has become, what they promise to unfurl on the public. AND YOU CAN REJECT IT ALL. Listen to what this side wants. It's not scary. It's not Marxism. It's not Communism. It's not <insert every other scary word your party uses but cannot define>.
We want protections for everyone. We want personal liberty, bodily autonomy. We actually advocate the "small government' you profess to believe in but do not practice. We don't want to be in your medical decision making. We don't want to intrude on your parental rights when faced with a child who does not fall neatly on your acceptable narrow spectrum. We want solutions to the border, not some Crusades level bloodletting of human beings who happen to be a different color and desperate. We want healthy people. We want college students not burdened for life by predatory loans. We want to feed students. We want to keep religion where it belongs - in the churches, mosques, temples, in your homes - which in turn does protect your chosen beliefs by not setting up a system in which your child MUST be subjected to another religion. Ten Commandments? Great! But not on a classroom wall unless you want the teachings of Allah, passages from the Torah, and enlightenment from Buddha taught alongside.
You can choose country over party. And yes, that will involve accepting and taking the "L" this time, and probably for the foreseeable future. But in return, you get a future. We get a future. A future that actually hews to the documents you claim to hold dear, but do not understand at all. We the people... all of us. Not we the people in charge and those we find acceptable.
Mayor Giles put out the call last night. He knows he is not alone. And now you know you are not alone. Voting for Harris and Walz does not mean you become a Democrat or agree with everything. It just means you agree on the most important, again, most salient point: You don’t owe anything to a party that is out of touch and hell-bent on taking us backward.
Calling all Republicans. There is still time for you to do the right thing. Even if it's the left thing.