We're all familiar with that phrase. To talk out one's ass.
Defined as to speak with authority on a subject that one doesn't know much about, to exaggerate, or to talk nonsense.
We have been inundated with examples of that via Donold Trump since, well, since forever. Long before he rode his gaudy escalator down into the bowels of our political process, he was known as a prime purveyor of bullshit. A self aggrandizing attention whore who called up Page Six and People to drop gossip about himself - paging, John Barron - in a hilariously undisguised voice. A bankrupt, many times over, who would continue to hold court on our televisions as if he had any business acumen to impart upon the gathered Apprentices.
As a million of our fellow citizens passed away under his administration, he stood at the podium and repeatedly spoke of knowing more than the doctors. Advising the electorate to buy horse dewormer, eschew vaccinations, ingest bleach, chloroquine (many died from buying and taking the form used to clean fish tanks), and somehow expose our innards to lightbulbs.
He claimed that by being sent to military school he went through more rigorous training than actual soldiers. (“More training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.”) He knew more than the Generals. (“I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me,” he bragged in November 2015.) More than the medical experts. (“Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.”)
More than anyone about anything at any time in the history of the world. And the biggest talking-out-his-ass tell? Anything receiving the "believe me" punctuation. Pure bullshit.
So it has never been a shock that those who support him and flock to him are graduates of the same school of Anal Exposition.
They know their audiences are simple minded, respond to easily digested and regurgitated bumper stickerisms, and have little to no intellectual curiosity. So repeat a lie often enough and it becomes their gospel.
FOX has taken that brand of propaganda to new heights. Or lows actually. They welcome phone calls from the Conman-in-Chief at every opportunity, allow him to spew his rectal rage, pitch him softball after softball, and never, ever clap back or correct him. Actual interviews are now pretaped and heavily edited.
He has been assisted in between interviews and rambling rallies by manure masters like Sean Hannity, kicked-to-the-curb Tucker Carlson (don't worry, Putin has adopted him), and the morning crew - dolts all, who know where their mortgage money comes from. They lie like they breathe, distort, disparage, and debase themselves daily in the process.
But the gold medal today goes to a man whose verbal gymnastics out twist Simone Biles; whose ability to pummel the truth is rugby worthy; whose rectal rhetoric rivals that of his cantelope hued hero, Trump: Congratulations, Jesse Watters.
As it becomes more and more evident with each passing day (hell, hour) that the support for VP Kamala Harris is real, robust, and unrivaled since the days of Obama, the MAGAts grow more fearful and therefore must up the ante in the bullshit stakes for their base. On the back of the White Dudes for Harris Zoom that took place Monday night, rallying over 190,000 participants and raising over $4 million in the process, the insecure little boys at FOX had to say something.
Leave it to Jesse to take talking out his ass to Olympic levels.
They’re losing it...
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) July 31, 2024
Fox News' Jesse Watters: “When a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman." pic.twitter.com/rQkoiA1WLe
Let me reiterate what he said.
1. "I don't see why any man would vote Democrat."
Hmmm, maybe because he is decent? Doesn't hate people based on their gender, race, sexual orientation. Maybe because he has a wife or daughter and believes their bodily autonomy should be left the hell alone? Maybe he sees what a conplete and total conman-shitshow-felon-idiot you have running on your ticket.
2. "To be a man and vote for a woman, just because she's a woman? Is either childish, that person has mommy issues, or they're just trying to be accepted by other women."
Just curious, Jesse - when a man votes for a man, just because he's a man (looking at your entire party), does that indicate daddy issues? Is that childish? Are you men just trying to be accepted by other men?
3. "And I heard the scientists say the other day that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman."
Scientists? Really? Graduates from the Watters-Colon Institute for the Intellectually Constipated?
This takes the prize in the blurting out the buns rambling stakes. It honestly brings to mind pictures of a hippo shitting - just a spray like a street cleaning truck. Splatter it out and hope it sticks? What is the angle here, Jesse? Hoping to scare your already insecure manbaby base into staying the course and voting for the most inept sack of garbage to ever sit in the Oval? Ooooooo, don't even think about voting for Kamala! If you do, your danglers with immediately shrivel up, your dick will invert, you'll grow breasts (ok, ok, in all fairness, many MAGAt men already have very nice racks), and start wearing you wife's panties?
I'd love to think that his viewers are smarter than that, but then one breath later I remind myself of all the other ragey road apples they have swallowed to keep their fear, outrage, misogyny, bigotry, and righteous inpignation fed.
You'll transition into a woman.
Simone, hand over one of those gold medals. Jesse not only twisted himself into a pretzel, but stuck his head up his own ass while sticking the landing. Fine. It is hard to fall over when you land waist deep in your own shit, but still...
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