Poor James Donald Bowman James David Hamel James David Vance J.D. Vance JD Vance. Seems that not a day goes by where his past doesn't creep out of the couch cushions and bite him in the ass like some long lost spork from a KFC bender.
From couch "surfing" to dolphin porn search results to his affinity for poorly placed guyliner (seriously, nothing wrong with men wearing makeup, but get yourself to a Sephora and ask for help), old JD just can't catch a break.
Some of his latest attempts at defending himself or his wife, Usha, have not gone well for him.
I find it hilarious that he seems surprised that there are people in the party to which he has hitched his wagon - a party filled with racism, Nazis, white supremacy, and misogyny - who have been quite vocal about his choice of spouse. One of the louder voices, prominent white supremacist Nick Fuentes, asked, “Who is this guy, really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?”
His weak tea response? “Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha.”
Good, you love her. Glad to hear it, but the fact that you have been going around acting surprised by the blowback and outright racism coming her/your way? That one of your children is dragged in by virtue of his name? Wake up. Usha and your children are not some special breed of brown. JFC, have you paid any attention to the overt racism thrown at a black candidate? Their families? There is not a clause in white supremacy that provides them or your family a Get Out Of Racism free card.
JD, they don't like brown people. It's that simple. It's literally one of their main talking points. Brown people = BAD. Brown people should go back where they came from. Brown people take their jobs. Brown people muddy up the low melanin content from which they draw their source of better than.
This is YOUR party, JD, and you can cry if you want to, but this is the sewer into which you and Usha have happily dove in headfirst, dragging with you your children, in your lust for power.
Let's talk about children. You have three. I have three. In your telling, I am a better person and my taxes should be lower. (Sorry that my love of cats effs up one of your main talking points. Kids AND cats?) I have some deeper, magical attachment to this country because I fucked without protection? Yea, me? GTFO. (Although I am sure he will deduct a million points from Gryffindor because I have and love my transgender child.)
Being able to procreate is a matter of biology. That's it. Some people can, some people struggle, some people can't, and some people simply don't want to. I can promise you that when I was in the mix and the fluids were flowing, I was not reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or thinking about the stars and stripes. I WAS HAVING SEX. FOR FUN. FOR PLEASURE. Was I happy when I turned the test positive? Yes, because we wanted to start a family.
In the latest video to surface from old JD, he has some wild descriptors for those who do not make that their choice.
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) July 30, 2024
JD Vance says people who don’t have children are “sociopathic,” “psychotic,” “deranged,” and “less mentally stable.”
There are endless receipts of Vance’s weird and creepy comments. He is obsessed with this topic. pic.twitter.com/2P0WmUvO0v
Sociopathic? Psychotic? Less mentally stable? Deranged?
OK, I'll play this game. My first card down will be my sister. Brilliant, doctorate, conservation biologist, travels the world, teaches, never took her foot off the gas for a second - even when in the midst of 16 rounds of chemo. Childless by choice. Having kids was simply something she never desired. You know what else she is? A kickass Aunt to my three children. Caring, loving, involved. A trusted harbor for them in this world. Her taxes should be higher simply because she did not pop out some of her own kids?
My second card will be one of my daughters. Like Vance and Usha, her CV has some Ivy twined around it, in her case a Master's from Harvard that came after a summa undergrad, and as of this Friday, we can officially add Doctor to her name. In just over a month she will be starting her post doc in California and also teaching a university class of 300 students. She does not want children either, JD. Silly girl went and got married so I guess she is wasting one of your god's sperm soldiers?
Here is what neither of them are:
Sociopathic. By definition a sociopath is someone who consistently disregards others' rights and feelings. My daughter is literally out in this world counseling children and adults through some of their worst nightmares. My sister cares deeply about every living thing in her path - from people to prickly cacti.
Psychotic. Psychosis is typically comprised of three areas: hallucinations, delusions, confused and disturbed thoughts. Forgive me, James David, but it seem these descriptors capture your behaviors, not theirs. They are not confused about their choices. They are not deluded about where they are going in this world. And they have no hallucinations about cats, children, or their ovaries.
Less mentally stable. Do you know how much time they spend thinking about other peoples' genitals, menstruation, fertility, or bathroom choice? None. Because they are not intrusive, insecure, misogynistic chodes like you and your little boys club.
Deranged. So not having children is deranged? Just curious how you think that label lands on the countless women and men who struggle with fertility? Especially as the MAGAt plan is to ban IVF? How about the ones who have managed to become pregnant and tragically lose the pregnancy? Look, I have been in that last camp and while I was angry, profoundly sad, and cried for weeks, at no point was I deranged. And my sister and daughter are not either. They are powerful, focused, driven, and know what they want in this world. And what they don't want.
Perhaps it's that last line that really pushes you and your ilk over the edge. They are not following your "rules" for females. They don't need your permission, and frankly, don't want it. You don't scare them. And they don't need you. They are married by choice to men who laud their achievements; who are proud of the trails they are blazing in this world; who did not want a doormat or a "trad wife".
Vance has also stated that people without children, "have no physical commitment to the future of this country."
What complete horseshit. I love my children, but my sex trophies do not tether me tighter to this country. And as for my sister and daughter - nothing but commitment to the future of this country - through conservation, concern over climate, and literally working to keep people alive - that is commitment, that is others before self, that is the best of what a person can strive to be.
It is completely predictable how they have gone after Kamala for being childless, despite knowing full well that she has been an amazing step-parent for years and years. That somehow her not birthing a babe makes her unqualified for office. Um, point of fact, sirs, not a single President, in the history of this country, has ever given birth. And no, a 20 second contribution to the pregnancy process does not qualify a man for anything. Well, maybe some medication to help make it last longer, but I digress...
It is an understatement to use the term o' the day, that of weird, for his and his party's obsession with all things procreation. Well, not all things. They have zero interest in legislating the testes of menfolk. Men are allowed, hell, high fived for spreading that seed wherever, whenever, Shakira. Sock, couch cushions, a blow up doll, someone they are raping, a girlfriend, a Tinder hookup, a spouse - just shower the world with that baby batter. No mention of them being whores for their recreation. No condemnation for them wasting millions of potential lives, lives that end up crusted to the sheets or wadded in a Kleenex.
Yet here we are watching, hearing them tout their plans for monitoring women's menstruation and pregnancies to make sure we don't go sneaking off for an abortion. Not making that up.
Honestly, in my 20s, I never would have imagined that the idea of government monitoring women's bodies in America would be a campaign issue in the year 2024. This is MAGA and the GOP today. https://t.co/IEuehTK8DH
— Amy McGrath (@AmyMcGrathKY) July 30, 2024
You do realize who is in that clip? Jason Miller. The Jason Miller who famously allegedly snuck an abortifacient into his pregnant girlfriend's smoothie, causing bleeding, a near coma, and the loss of the pregnancy.
Mmmmm, those family values. Obviously for thee, not me, huh, Jason?
This is the stuff contained in their heinous Pr0ject 2O2five. And while it's fun to continue to bomb them with the word 'weird', the more apt term is dangerous. So, so dangerous. My, yours, hers, his - bodily functions, from urine output to semen input - are no one's business but ours. The government has no place in deciding what I can and cannot do with my body. Your bastardized form of Christianity has no bearing over anything I do. You want to push out 15 kids? Fine, your choice. You don't want them to read any books but your Bible? Detrimental to their development and the future of this country, but still, your choice. But your choices end at your doorstep. If I cannot drag you by hair to have an abortion because MY BODY! MY CHOICE!, then you cannot force me or anyone else to not have an abortion if that is what we want or what our health demands.
I do not have to worship your chosen savior. I do not have to tithe one damned dime to keep your pastor's Rolex shiny. I do not have to provide you details about my last period. And your insistence that I do is obsessive. Controlling. Intrusive. Weird.
I must admit that it is fun watching the MAGAs melt down over that simple word being attached to their behaviors. But come on, can you blame us?
This is how one supports DonOLD?
I honestly don't care that he wears Depends. We come into this world leaking into diapers and we exit it that way, too. I have tended to enough now-dead parents to know that absorbent undergarments become as much a necessity in age as they do for my 20 month old granddaughter. I do care how obsessed they are with an old felon whose body is the composition and color of a bag of Cheetos. How deluded they are about his actual optics, not the hallucinations they allow themselves of him as some Rambo reincarnate. How they can hear his words and derive something "brilliant' from them.
Um, waiter, I did not order this word salad...
As the days move forward, no doubt the weirdness will continue its uptick. Further videos will be unearthed; more rebuttals will fall flatter than the cushions on JD's Grammy's sofa; more meaningless prattle will fall from the dementia-ed lips of their saggy savior; and more bullshit will emerge from the soft boiled minds of their followers. Like this...
Now, Tim Poole is not the sharpest knife in the MAGA drawer, but this is some fever dream level rambling. Forced abortions? The specificity of Hondurans camping on your foldout? And 800 wars? Seriously, Tim, put down the crackpipe. That anyone will read this patently fake pontificating and believe it? All I can say is that those people vote. So you'd better check your registration and plan on voting, too.
Because if they manage to crawl, lie, cheat, or steal their way back into office, weird will be the least of our worries.
As always, you read my mind& heart.
Posted by: Judith Spiegel | Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 01:36 PM