As is always the case this time of year, I am so very heartened by your outpouring of love and compassion towards people you will never meet. It is the reminder I (and we all) need that the good people outnumber the bad. The good people just go about their business quietly, not grandstanding, just seeing the world with our hearts.
I realize I just kicked off Yes, Virginia two days ago - and thank you to those who have donated already! - but I am compelled to come here to our close knit group to ask for your help for someone you do know, have known, for a long time.
Jamie has been around since DGMS was wearing diapers. She has been there in so many ways for everyone. A cheerleader, an understanding ear, an open heart. We have watched her daughter Hailey grow into an incredible young woman, a true champion for her mother, especially now as Jamie has recently been diagnosed with MS.
I would like to sidebar here for a moment and tell the pain distribution gods to eff off - her battling breast cancer was enough. This MS diagnosis is salt in a still healing wound. I know, I know we cannot pick and choose what befalls us or those we love. We simply must put one foot in front of the other, as the Christmas song goes.
I am writing tonight with Jamie's permission to ask if we may pool our resources, outside of Yes, Virginia, to help her with something integral to her being able to function. She desperately needs new glasses. I will let her take it from here:
You have no idea how much this killed me to write this. I hate asking for help, but would it be too much to be added to the yes Virginia fund? Here is what has transpired for me in the last 6 weeks. Jeffrey had to send in the required documents to the state to make sure that he’s still eligible for his Medicare and Medicaid. He is, so yay. He is also part of a program where I am his paid caregiver. For the last six years my income from taking care of him has never counted against him for any of the programs that he is in. Until now. Got a letter stating that in order for him to stay in the Iris program (the one that I am his paid caregiver) we have to now pay a cost share of 569.96 each month. I called every single person that I could possibly talk to, to see if this is accurate. Unfortunately it is. So I will pay back 1/3 of one paycheck every month. To make matters worse, with Jeffrey being in the hospital, I lost an entire paycheck. I don’t get paid while he’s admitted. The money I now have to pay back was going to go toward a new pair of glasses. The Multiple Sclerosis has affected my vision big time. I cannot drive at night- period, and daytime driving, welp… if I know exactly where I am going or have my gps turned on I am ok, otherwise everything is blurry. I can’t read the signs. I already had shitty vision, but this made my vision go down hill quick. And I have no vision insurance. Being on a tight budget is something that I can generally manage, but his 15 day hospital stay and now the cost share really has my nerves completely shot. So if Santa could help me one more time I would be so grateful.
Eyesight. Even if you put on glasses in the morning or slap in a pair of contacts, we take for granted that our eyeballs are at the ready to help us navigate our world. Jamie's eyes are paramount in her being able to care for Jeffrey, herself, and Hailey. Hailey is a warrior goddess - she shoulders more than her years should require of her. But without reliable vision and new glasses for her mother, she will have to take on even more than she already does, which will directly impact everything she is trying to achieve in her life.
I would like to make it a goal of $600, again outside of Yes, Virginia funds, to insure her specialist can properly prescribe her vision and to fund the glasses that will open her world back up.
For all the times she has been there for us, I am asking you to open the eyes of your heart, and see Jamie for the amazing, loving, deserving person she is.
All of the usual ways to donate are open - just please specify if your funds are towards the Yes, Virginia pot, or specifically for Jamie's new glasses. Love you all, Linda
Donation methods:
Paypal > [email protected] > please do it as Send Money, not as a purchase. If you do it as a "purchase" they withhold a portion of your donation.
Zelle > [email protected]
Venmo - @Linda-Sharp-29
And if you prefer to send a check, please email or message me for details.
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