We have a horrible track record in this country of giving little more than a lingering gaze to what happens in other states, in other cities.
Honestly, goldfish look at us these days and think, WTF?
School shooting? We clutch our pearls, say a prayer, vent on social media, then the place it happened is left alone as the klieg lights move on.
Hurricane? Oh, how terrible for those people! Something, something judgement about where they choose to live. Throw a few dollars at the Red Cross, and on we move.
Bigot caught on video bigoting? Share the shit out of it, laugh at the 400th viewing of the "You about to lose your job" remix video, then on we go. Next! (Full disclosure - 401 and I am still not tired of it.)
In the best of times we have a short attention span. It's human nature and we are all guilty of it. But in times like these, the worst, with so much taking place daily - hell, hourly sometimes - a lot slips by or we just hit critical mass and tune it out. Don't.
Last month, Seattle was the target city in all of Trumpworld's fire and brimstone talking points. Literally. To listen to them, the city was on fire, brimstone raining down everywhere, carnage aplenty. One conversation with my daughter who lives mere blocks from the Seattle protest encampment told a completely different story. Peaceful, songs, dancing, food sharing, some people in need of showers, but nothing like what they wanted us to believe.
Suddenly, we don't hear about Seattle anymore. I guess it went the way of those impending caravans of MS-13 villians.
Now, Portland has taken center stage in Trump's attempt to brand himself as the Law & Order president. I will give him this - considering his history of sexual abuse of women, he is a walking SVU three parter all on his own.
FOX fills the screen with fires, graffiti, carefully edited footage to make it appear to anyone not paying enough attention that the city is an apocalyptic nightmare. A hellscape. Press Sickretary McEnany stood flanked by screens filled with flames and horror today.
In reality, like any protest, there are agitators who are not there for the protest but the damage. But the vast majority are you and me - just citizens - Wall of Moms, dads with leaf blowers, veterans - concerned about police brutality, supportive of Black Lives Matter, and intent on not allowing Gomer Fivewords to run rampant in their city.
Here are five words for Donald: FUCK. YOU. WEAK. TRAITOROUS. SHITBAG.
What has been concerning for weeks now has been the presence of unidentified, gun laden, camo wearing "soldiers". We saw them in DC, a menacing, repulsive site amassed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. No badges, no nametags, no insignia indicating to whom they belonged. Honestly, given the glut of over-the-hill dad bods in their rank ranks, they looked pretty much like the cosplaying Liberate Our State buffoons who crashed the state capital in Michigan.
Now they have been unleashed on Portland. And they have no business there. A week ago film showed them grabbing peaceful protesters, shuffling them into unmarked rental minivans, and driving off. Seriously, just grabbing and disappearing people off the streets.
There's a word for that: KIDNAPPING.
They appear nightly now because the darkness makes for much scarier, effective propaganda footage for FOX and its easily scared viewers at home. The streets of Portland are bare of them during the daylight. They come out spoiling for a fight. Like the onesided one they had with the retired Naval vet whose arm they broke.
Still no IDs, they do not answer questions, they have no official insignia identifiable as local, state, or federal police/troops. As such, the ACLU has been busy helping mayors and citizens file against the occupiers as fast as possible.
Enter retired badass Lt. General Russell Honore', he of Katrina clean up fame. In the years that have passed since New Orleans drowned, Honore' has been a pundit staple weighing in on natural disaster efforts, etc. Listening to him is etouffee for the ears. He is sober, observant, and has a complete lack of tolerance for bullshit. From any corner.
In an interview earlier this week, he was asked for his input after watching the scenes coming out of Portland.
“General, what made you the angriest looking at these pictures out of Portland, Oregon?” Brian Williams asked. Honore' was not shy in his assessment.
“Number one, they were wearing military uniforms,” the general angrily noted. “That uniform represents the cloth of our nation, for people who don’t draw overtime, who serve around the world at the direction of the national command authority, and it’s not to be used as an instrument of protest suppression. That uniform is designed to blend into terrain, not to make you look like a warrior. They’re wearing these uniforms as a function of intimidation, to look like warriors. Real soldiers just don’t walk up to people and start beating on ’em. Real police don’t do that. The police have the authority to detain you, and then somebody else will decide whether you get charged or whether you go to jail for whatever offense you might have violated. They are acting like an uncontrolled mob on the street with uniforms and badges that they don’t show. You shouldn’t — police don’t do this. Watch this, what kind of bullshit is this?!”
What kind of bullshit is this? Our feelings exactly, sir.
As journalists have been taking photo after photo of these G I Jokes, he has been, like everyone else, scanning the uniforms for any identifiers. Trying to suss out who they are with, where they are from, to whom they have allegiance. Today he sounded the alarm that some of the patches appeared to be those of mercenaries with *shock* Erik Prince's company.
Yes, mercenaries. And yes, Erik Prince, as if either of those is surprising. Just as his sister Betsy DeVos suckles at the power teat as Education Secretary, he is just one tit over devouring those delicious tax dollars as fast as possible.
DHS is farming out to contractors like Prince's Blackwater descendant Triple Canopy the job of harassing, hurting, and endangering protesters, regardless of how peaceful they happen to be. Our tax dollars are being used against us. Our money is being used to force confrontations, to agitate, to push a Reichstag Fire for Trump.
Again, pay attention. It was Seattle. Now it is Portland. Chickenshit von Babyfingers has already targeted New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland for the next invasions. Notice anything? Yes, that's right, Trump openly, gleefully attacks them for having "liberal Democrats" as their mayors. You know, people who think he, his ragtag regime, and his cultists are completely full of shit. And these are places unlikely to be supportive of him in his re-election bid.
He is now on the record as saying Portland is full of anarchists. Not even remotely. A #WallOfMoms? Yes. Anarchists? NO. But that is what he must have you believe for the slide into fascism to continue happening. And we are sliding.
This is how it happens. I have written before that each outrage, each pushing of the envelope is the metaphorical frog in the pot of water. We are the frog. And with each step he takes and gets away with, the temperature goes up a degree. We are being boiled alive.
Lest you think it cannot happen near you, think again. In terms of law and order, he has proven he has no regard for either. The law is what he wants it to be, with Barr manipulating it like origami, and order is what he he has in his sights - martial law is on the other side of these cities and these cosplaying losers in our streets.
Portland is absorbing the impact this week. Pay attention. Like the invaders in War of the Worlds, they are going to keep on moving, devouring our rights and freedoms one town at a time. (Ironic considering the latest Pentagon news about UFOs.)
Get ready for the fight of our lives. (As if COVID is not enough of a threat. 148,283, by the way.)
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