This blog has existed since 2005. Thirteen years. Thirteen years during which strangers have found their way here to read something, and ended up finding so much more. Community, friendship, support, solace, the very best of what can be found when you sit down at your keyboard.
In the very early years we started something with a very simple premise: Help keep Santa alive for children who were in danger of losing the magic.
Called Yes, Virginia There Is A DGMS, this blogmunity donated funds via Paypal, stories via email. Stories that told of families you knew, perhaps your own family. Families who could use our help. And help you have. Year after year after year. Toys, clothing, heat bills, groceries - we have done it all. Seriously, we were GoFundMe before GoFundMe existed. DGMS crowdfunded before crowdfunding had a name.
This afternoon I sat down to go back through the DGMS archives to see when we actually started this effort. I am humbled to realize this holiday season marks ten years. A DECADE. A decade of selflessness, of rallying, of giving.
In looking for our starting point, I found the original piece I wrote. I share it with you now. For those who have been around since the beginning, I know you will smile as I did as things we did for one another, and user names pop up in the read. And for those who are new to what DGMS is all about during this time of year (well, year round actually), we invite you to climb into our sleigh and help us continue to make magic for those who should not have to lose it this year.
Enjoy this look back, and please, begin to give if you can. We are over halfway through October and the requests for help have begun. Let's make our 10th push of the sleigh our best ever.
November 19, 2008
Long before I wrote the piece last week titled No, Virginia, There Isn't A Santa Claus (Not This Year Anyway), I had been wrestling with just how this blogmunity might be able to come together and help some of our own this holiday season.
You have all proven time and time again the incredible collection of people this blog attracts. You didn't blink when Kittypimp's kitten was attacked and needed surgery - you just jumped in, asked how you could help, and raised over half the money needed to keep him alive. Each time I visit her house and see how happy and healthy he is, I smile. You all done good.
When Shawn told me she was going to raise money to participate in a Breast Cancer Three Day Walk, I put a link to her fundraising page on this blog, and you all rallied around her, helping push her towards her goal. She begins her 60 mile walk in memory of her mother on Friday.
And when I brought you the story of "Mae", whose young life has been nothing but a series of hardships, emotional abuse, and betrayals, yet somehow she has managed to keep her eye on the horizon with the desire to pursue a college education, you again reached into your hearts and wallets and we raised over $3000 to cover her tuition and get her on her way.
I am constantly humbled and amazed by the generosity of spirit and true support you all extend whether to one another or to total strangers I bring into the spotlight. Please know I do not come knocking on your hearts without thoroughly vetting a situation or person first. That you trust me for more than just daily laughs, maybe a few tears thrown in here and there, is not something I take lightly or would ever violate.
To that end, I would like to see what this blogmunity can do this holiday season.
I know, in the tens of thousands of silent visitors who come here daily, and even in the vocal crew who keep the comments section lively, we have families who are struggling. Parents whose hearts are aching at the thought of not being able to provide their children some cheer this Christmas.
I want to hear from you.
Please share your story with me. And in turn, I will share them with the blogmunity. (Anonymity can obviously be honored when I write.)
And perhaps, just perhaps, through the incredible generosity of the people who make up this blog, we can raise the money to make your holiday a bit brighter.
To those who would share your story, I ask for your honesty. That is paramount in this endeavor. And I would ask for your patience as I vet your situation. Perhaps your child's biggest wish is something simple - like a Barbie or an RC car - yet it is still out of your reach. Perhaps warm clothing would bring smiles.
To those who would donate, I ask for your faith and trust. Faith in the people this blog attracts. Trust that I will see your donations turned into help for real people, with real needs and wishes, and turned into real smiles on real faces.
Donations may be made via Paypal to [email protected]. If you would prefer to write a check, as many did with donations for Mae, please contact me directly for details. I will keep you apprised as to how we are doing as donations begin to come in.
Our economy is depressing. Family budgets are tighter than ever. But I just don't believe that any child should have the magic of this season stolen from their hearts because of it.
Yes, Virginia, There IS A Santa Claus, because this year, there is a DGMS Blogmunity ready to help him load his sleigh.
Donations may be made as indicated above, or through the Paypal button now featured on the left side of the page.
You have done really good work.
Posted by: Nikki in nyc | Friday, November 09, 2018 at 07:14 PM