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Tuesday, April 03, 2018


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Happy Belated Birthday, Linda! Turning 50 was pretty good. When I reached into my bag of f"*ks to give I was all out and never refilled it. I sometimes bemoan the wrinkle here, the gray there, but I know far too many people who didn't get this far. We aren't near the end... heck, we are just getting started!

If your birthday had fallen on a Wednesday, this might have been a whole different post... ;-)

I loved everything about what you said here, and I have seen the glow of confidence and comfort and HAPPINESS radiate from you - more and more, with each year that passes. Happy birthday, pea. I love you.

Happy, happy birthday my beautiful friend! Your words have never rung truer to me! Every year is such a gift! And your friendship has been the best gift of all! Love you Linda!

Happy birthday,🎉. I have enjoyed and learned a lot from your musings ,rants and ideas since American Idol days.

Love you, too!

Happiest of Birthdays Linda. I love you.

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