Hi everyone - just a quick update. Have kicked into high gear elfing. Finding great bargains - yesterday I fell into an insane one day clothing deal for 70% off and free shipping, and the day before I beat Toys R Us into submission, etc. And while I love being able to track down and bargain my best for wish list items, every single request we have received so far includes a plea for food.
That, to me, is heartbreaking. And I am stretching our funds as much as possible to provide giftcards to local grocery stores in their respective areas.
To anyone who may immediately think, "What about area food banks?" - a little food for thought. Sadly, food banks are stretched to their breaking points, especially at this time of year. And let's be very honest about one thing (something I admit I am guilty of doing): Food bank donations are often comprised of what somehow managed to crawl into our own pantries, but that we were happy to get rid of when our child was collecting cans for school or church.
Hunger is embarrassing, it just is. It should not be, but it is. But then, it also should not exist. We can do better than throw cans of near-their-expiration green beans or Rotelle at nameless, faceless people we may never meet.
As the emails I have received highlight - "they" can be "you" in the blink of an eye, through no fault of your own. Life, economics, jobs - they all turn on a dime.
Help if you can. Things are tighter all around this year. Some of you have contacted me directly about sending checks - I will email you privately when those arrive.