Last night we watched as the unthinkable happened in this country. And by "we", I mean the decent people of the United States of America.
The people who care about their neighbor.
The people who care about education, information, facts.
The people who do not fear those who may not reflect their own likeness.
The people who truly see the beauty in the rainbow of humanity, sexuality, gender.
The people who give even when they themselves are in need.
The people who fight for what is right, not for what is expedient.
The people who hold out their hand to the underdog - their hand, not their fist.
The people who watch news from around the world and feel horror, compassion, and the deep urge to help those affected even a world away.
The people who understand the hurt and horror behind a brazenly and ignorantly flown Confederate flag.
The people who practice a religion yet have no problem with their neighbor practicing another, or none at all.
The people who believe in a woman's right to make decisions covering her own body, existence, journey.
The people who understand that "bootstraps" are not a real thing, but that hunger, oppression, disadvantage, and prejudice are.
The people who sat open mouthed last night, eyes filled with tears.
We watched as the other people elevated the most inexperienced, race baiting, misogynistic, egomaniacal opportunist to our nation's highest office.
And we wept.
Because WE are not THIS.
We are a country whose history IS this, but WE are NOT this. We understand the struggle, the blood shed on our behalf to open up opportunities, equalities, advances. We did not take for granted those sacrifices yesterday - we walked forward and cast our ballots for more progress, more equality, more protections for those who have sat outside the words "all men created equal," desperately hoping we would eventually live up to the potential of that phrase.
We watched as the media allowed journalism to finally, fully die. As they salivated over ratings instead of their civic duty to investigate, inform. They are completely complicit in turning our election into the world's worst reality show.
And they will have blood on their hands.
Because WE are not THIS, but they gave endless voice to those who are. They helped legitimize hate. They had their microphones and cameras turned towards the worst because he gave them what they love the best: ratings. They did not care about anything but how many were tuned in to the endless train wreck that culminated in last night's complete destruction.
We watched as people who claimed to be decent, claimed to be Christian, claimed to be allies, stood shoulder to shoulder with white supremacy, zealotry, bigotry, and hate. And this morning, as I have told you all along, you cannot stand neck deep in sewage and claim to be clean. You ARE this.
We watched as those we had pleaded with to not throw their votes behind a person who had no shot, to look at the bigger picture of what was at stake - did not. If ever the phrase "our votes do not count anyway" was shown to be a lie, last night was it. Your votes absolutely counted, because you stole from so many others to do what? Wake up feeling morally superior? Sorry, you wake up today in a country in which you have exposed, hurt, and endangered so many people.
And it is too late to ask, "Have you no sense of decency, sir?" We all know the answer, and you will have blood on your hands.
Because WE are not THIS. You are, but WE, the decent people, are not.
We, the decent people, wake (if any of us actually slept at all) knowing the fear that is in the hearts and minds of so many people this morning.
My son is terrified. I am terrified with him. I am terrified for my friends of color - all color. I am terrified for my friends who have been raised in religions that are targets now on their backs. I am terrified for every decent person who stood up and tried their best to protect everyone, even to protect the proudly ignorant from themselves.
In the end, it just wasn't enough. Love does not always conquer all. Our better angels sometimes lose to the devils of other's natures.
But WE are not THIS.
This morning, that is all I know. I know who you are - the decent people who tried. And I know who you are - the ugly, ignorant, selfish, short sighted bigots who will never understand that we were already making America great, by making it live up to the promises set down on parchment so long ago.
What happened last night is unforgivable. But we also know who did it. THEY may be cheering their own capriciousness and hatred today, but in the long game of this country, they will not win.
Because WE are not THIS.
Even though we've never met IRL, I consider you a friend. Toby and the rest of your family have been on my mind and heart for months, and I was especially worried about him today. Be safe and know there are SO many people out here that care. Much love to you all--
Posted by: Susan in SE PA | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 05:43 PM
Linda, you have said, much more eloquently, what I'd like to be feeling. Maybe in a few days I'll be able to feel it. For now, I'm too worried about Toby and Alex and all of the kids out there who have dared to be who they are. The misogynist race-baiting unqualified pile of steaming excrement isn't even the problem. We're from Indiana and we know a thing or two about Mike Pence. This is the guy who cut off funding for HIV/AIDS unless it came with funding for conversion therapy. This is the guy who shut off funding for Planned Parenthood, and caused an HIV epidemic in a small town 20 minutes away. This is the guy who signed into law a bill that allows people to legally discriminate against our babies. This is a guy who signed into law a bill that will force women, having just suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage, to pay to have the remains buried. This is a guy who cost the state of Indiana millions in revenue through his bad decisions. This guy has me terrified. We're going to have the fight of our children's lives on our hands.
Here's to strong, fierce, angry mothers.
Posted by: Chris | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 02:20 PM
I am not an American and I do not live in America - yet, I am sick to my stomach, my brain is reeling and I am in shock.
Posted by: SK | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 11:30 AM
Even though I don't know him I thought of your Toby last night, as I also thought of the LGBT people I do know. I thought of women who may not have the right to choose for much longer. I thought of minorities of all stripes and I thought, especially, of our children. This is a sad day. Had McCain or Romney defeated Obama I would have been sad but not terrified. I did not agree with many of their positions but did not classify them as craven lunatics. Neither man was base or crude, neither one seemed bigoted or unqualified. We could have lived with either one and been okay. But this? Unqualified, indecent, immoral and bigoted. Isn't this great? Make America Great Again? Uesterday we WERE Great. Today we are a mere shell of our former greatness. The sky is gray here in NYC. Most fitting.
Posted by: nikki in ny | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 10:06 AM
I can not believe what this country has just become. Hug Toby close.
Posted by: Ken | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 10:04 AM
I am proud to be called your friend. You give me hope for tomorrow. Excellent words!! Thank you.
Posted by: Angie Fotopoulos | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 09:59 AM
Well said. Stay safe & strong Toby.
Posted by: Judith Spiegel | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 09:48 AM
Love you, Lisa. Every amazing piece of your amazing heart.
Posted by: Linda S to Lisa | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 09:20 AM
I can't even function. I literally called in sick and can't make my mind wrap around what just happened. I am so disgusted and disappointed and worried. And I'm a self described tinkerbell optimist...
Posted by: Kari Mueller | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 09:20 AM
Somehow you always manage to put my thoughts and emotions into such eloquent words. Thank you
Posted by: Lisa Hospets | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 09:18 AM