It has now been a full week since polite, decent society was told that white supremacy, hatred, and bigotry were the trending hashtags, as it were.
A full week in which the initial shock has begun to wear off, anger has begun to replace numbness, and that sick feeling in our stomachs has begun to be replaced by the fire of decency, equality for all, and bone deep understanding that what "won" a week ago, will not win in the end.
I have been silent here since the morning after. I have been circling my wagons, tending my flock, trying to reassure my transgender son that we WILL move forward with our journey to make him whole; that the good people do still outnumber the bad (votes still being counted bear that out); and that his safety is a non-negotiable with Rudy and I.
Like you, the hypocrisy pouring forth like pus from an infected wound (if THAT isn't the most apt description of the right, I do not know what is) from those who elevated Trump to this nation's highest office, is stunning in its lack of self awareness. The same miscreants who spent the past eight years posting offensive memes, spreading lies, and shitting themselves blind over our half black President, now urge us to "come together," "stop crying," and "to get over it."
Fuck off, pus.
That blunt enough for you?
What happened a week ago goes so far beyond politics. It goes to the heart of this nation. It is about dark vs light. Equality vs discrimination. Blind, ignorant hatred vs enlightenment and love.
Entire groups of people are frightened. Not that these groups were not frightened before, but having the hate against them sanctioned, acquitted, validated, and emboldened? It goes beyond fear.
What I feel in my gut goes beyond fear for my son. And if you do not belong to any of the groups Trump / Pence have targeted, it is very easy for you on the pus side of the aisle to call us "cry babies" or for those on the left to urge "patience, and a conciliatory tone."
That you have not yet been targeted is why you sleep better at night. That no finger has been pointed at you is why you can shrug your shoulders and say "meh, we'll make the best of it." That you walk through a grocery store with ease is because you are steeped in a privilege and comfort you do not even realize.
The grocery store. Rudy, Toby and I ventured out for the first time two nights ago. Even here in Austin, our little blue oasis in a sea of blood red, the feeling was palpable. Toby was paranoid the entire time, as were we. Fully aware as never before that half the people we walked past are dangerous, and ignorant, and unfeeling about anyone who is not them.
And I mean all of the people who supported him, the 21% who did not like him but voted for him anyway, and the third party voters who held their blessed self righteousness far above those who will be dreadfully impacted by this Presidency, Supreme Court nominations, and a quickly-being-culled cabinet of racists, dullards, and grifters.
You did this. ALL OF YOU. Every single Trump voter is a shit stain in the Fruit of the Looms of this country. I do not care if you volunteer, make goodie bags for the homeless, play Santa at Christmas time, take care of Granny, or keep a pew warm once a week. You are no better than what you stood with. And what you stood shoulder to shoulder with is white supremacy, irrational phobias, hatred of "the other", prideful stupidity, and the belief that YOU matter MORE.
You do not get to cry foul now that decent society is pointing the finger at you. You cannot marinate in a cesspool for well over a year and now claim to be clean. You are the company you keep. And you ARE deplorable. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOU.
You have no empathy, no sympathy, no thirst for actual knowledge, no understanding of the Constitution you swear to hold so dear, no love of country, no fellowship with ALL citizens. You are selfish, you are self centered, and make no mistake, your egocentric choice will come back and bite you in your ass. The poorest and stupidest of you feeling the teeth first as Trump and Co begin hacking away at the protections you now enjoy.
You are NOT better than a person of color. You are NOT better than anyone in the LGBTQIA community. You are NOT better than the millions of peace seeking Muslims. You are NOT better than Hispanics who are simply trying to provide for their families. You are NOT better than someone with a disability. You are NOT better than "the other." In fact, you are worse. Much, much, MUCH worse.
And quite frankly, YOU are now "the other." And you have shown your hateful asses. We know who you are. And those bleeding hearts, our civility, our understanding of compromise - all those attributes you mock as libtard weaknesses? You are about to see just how much strength you have galvanized.
Late yesterday, I received an email forward from a reader who found this "amusing" and that there was "even some truth in it." Bull and shit. Read comments in red.
I used to think I was just a regular guy, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.
No, being a racist makes you a racist. It is entirely possible to be white (an achievement reached not through some amazing effort and greatness but by two white people fucking) and not be a racist. Happens all the time.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist.
No, liberals do not want money wasted either, and frankly have the realistic ideas for where cuts can be made that make sense. As for your morals? You become a fascist when you deign to think you can force your chosen standards onto anyone but yourself.
I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.
Hey, brain trust - heterosexual here - NOT a homophobe. Try opening your seriously blinded eyes and take a good long look at millions of allies in this country. Hetero. Like racism, what makes you a homophobe is being a homophobe.
I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.
No, this means you have a different opinion on the subject, and if your opinion is formed through information, rather than memes and Breitbart articles, you are completely entitled.
I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel.
Wrong again. Christianity is fine. Just as is Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, et al. But so many of you have either strayed so very far from the actual teachings of Christ, or simply stay mute in the face of the aggression of your church that you have driven people away. Religion is not secular law. It is CHOSEN. Think not? I live in Texas, there is a religious store on every corner wanting to sell me on their tenets, man made hoo haa, and "rightness." Keep yours where it belongs - in your church, in your home. Christian "Sharia Law" is a much more likely threat to this country than your pants wetting tantrums over Islam.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which now makes me a member of the vast gun lobby.
Do you belong to a gun lobby? No? So you are not a member. See how that works? Come on now, nuance is not THAT hard to deal with. You would obviously be surprised at how very many liberals support that amendment, too. However, we also support applying some common sense to the process of ownership, accompanying responsibility, and subsequent liability.
I am older than 70 and retired, which makes me a useless old man.
70 is not as old as 70 used to be, if you are doing the due diligence required to take care of the one body you have. You being a "useless old man" exists in YOUR head, not ours.
I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.
No, by all means, think, reason, research. But if you only think, reason, and research that which reinforces your inner narrative (KILLARY! EMAILS! BENGHAZI!), then you are worse than a reactionary. You are willfully ignorant. If you are unwilling to risk being wrong, THERE is your problem.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.
The Confederate flag is not heritage - it is a symbol of a very sinister time in this country, a sinister time which is being welcomed back into society, and your ancestral heritage reaches far back across the ocean to another country. Just because you were not alive to see your ancestors rape, pillage, and take what they wanted when they got here, does not mean that part of your heritage does not exist. As for your wording of "inclusive American culture"? Inclusive means EVERYONE, dear. That means you do not hold yourself above gay people, black people, transgender people, pansexual people, people of other faiths, people who may not look like you but are citizens nonetheless. Your clinging to some backwards belief that YOU matter more makes you a xenophobe.
I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.
Another shocker in store for you, so sit down. Liberals support police, too! We just also have our eyes open to the fact that some police officers are complete reprobates who should not be in uniform and brandishing a gun. We also support the legal system, but are honest about where it falls down, discriminates, and needs shored up.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.
Sigh - there's that big word you learned from Sarah Palin's Word O' The Day toilet paper roll. Look around, PEOPLE work hard. The lion's share just do. They take pride in their efforts, work more than one job to provide for their families, and value compensation being equal to merit (not gender). But the deck is also stacked against MANY people. Refusal to see this is not just sad, but willfully ignorant. Stop acting like the notions of "hard work, fair play and fair compensation" belong to the right side of the aisle. Not every Democrat is a "taker" - your oft yakked up talking point. In fact, the biggest "taker" states are red, so explain that, please. We'll wait...
I (and most of the folks I know), acquired a fair education without student loans (it’s called work) and no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of an odd underachiever.
Sorry, Grandpa Romney, but life is simply different these days. You may want to take note of that. College is ridiculously expensive. My three children are all in debt, all working, all paying on their loans, as are Rudy and I paying on our Parent Plus loans. Kudos to you for graduating with no debt. I dare you to strap on the circumstances of the average 18 year old and try it again in 2017. Good luck with that.
I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens and I honor those who served in the Armed Forces, which now makes me a militant.
Such utter bullshit. We ALL want a safe and protected country. And we honor those who choose to serve in our military. Whether a person goes in spurred by deep patriotism or simply because they have no other option at the time - they sign the same papers essentially turning their lives over to Uncle Sam, vowing to give their lives for millions they will never meet. That is a profound sacrifice. If you are a militant for these widely held emotions, then we are ALL militants, you whiny, self serving snowflake.
Please help me come to terms with the new me ... because I’m just not sure who I am anymore!
You are a man steeped in privilege. That is who you are. A privilege and comfort you are only now having pointed out to you by those who do not have it, have never had it, will never have it. Your "new me" is belligerent, intentionally obtuse, and offensive (Sadly, those are probably also your lifelong character traits) because you wrote this list to mock that which you have no intent of understanding.
I would like to thank all my friends for sticking with me through these changes in my life!
Again, nothing has changed in your life, except marginalized people have finally begun to stand together and demand that the founding documents of this country actually apply to EVERYONE. Your life isn't changing at all. Oh sure, you are being told to STFU when you whine about "making America great again" but that is because you only mean make it great for ME.
I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me.
Wow - just imagine how a black person has ALWAYS felt, how they feel in a traffic stop knowing they could end up dead? I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me. How about my transgender son? I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me. A Hispanic person who is targeted for his accent or skin shade? I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me. A peaceful Sikh being harassed because so many in this country are ignorant to the extreme and cannot be bothered to even learn the difference. I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me. A Muslim woman being threatened with fire if she does not remove her headscarf? I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me. A disabled person being openly mocked by the President-elect? I just can’t imagine or understand why this has happened to me.
Your life has not changed, Grandpa.
And, as if all this nonsense wasn’t enough to deal with, I’m now afraid to go into either one of the restrooms!
Ahhhh, there is it. My personal favorite, but then I do have a transgender child. Get it through your head - there has never been an incident of a transgender person attacking anyone in a bathroom. Transgender and pedophile are two mutually exclusive labels. Transgender and rapist are two mutually exclusive labels. Transgender people want one thing out of their bathroom visit - TO USE THE BATHROOM. My son is not a threat to your 70+ year old pee pee. He will always use a stall, so chances are you will never know he was in there to begin with. Mind your own incontinence, and wash your hands on the way out.
There is nothing remotely funny about that email forward. It is ignorance personified. But it also encapsulates why so many people are afraid. Because they know, now more than ever, that half this country thinks they are above them. That half this country doesn't even attempt to understand their struggles, their fears, their day-to-day existence.
But that's ok. Because when all the ballots are eventually counted, it won't be half. Because already, of those who cared enough to vote, over HALF voted against ignorance hatred, misogyny, racism, bigotry, and phobias. Yes, the popular vote is on the side of right, of decency, of equality and protections for all.
So, to those reveling in their "win"? Enjoy. We recognize that there was no talking to you rationally before the election, and that there certainly is no hope of that now. You understand one thing - aggression. Strength is all you seem to respect. Every t-shirt you wear, every filthy word you spew, every violent act you are out committing because you think Trump has sanctioned it - we get it. So we will bring it right back at you. We will not stand by for four years and watch as you marginalize, demean, demoralize, attack, and discriminate. What we will do is bring to bear the full meaning of our founding documents, at every turn we will be there. We will be there when you try to attack someone. When you try to take away a right, a protection, we will be there.
Because we understand something you do not. Just because you are not currently targeted, does not mean you never will be. So we will be protecting ourselves and our fellow citizens from you, but we will also be working to protect you from yourselves.
You ARE outnumbered, we are finally, fully awake, we understand the long game, and we ARE stronger than you know. You've been warned.
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