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Monday, November 03, 2014


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I am so glad that I am able to donate this year. Thank you so much for all you do for all the families Linda. You and the people of this blog, my "other family" came through for my sisters family when it was needed, and I am happy I am able to pay back a little now. ELF ON!!!!

For the first time...I AM IN! And I am supremely happy to donate! I'm not sure when I will get my first paycheck, but when I do, Namaste is FIRST on my list! I am so happy you are doing this again Linda. You give so much happiness to so many people. Love you so much!

I'm in!

I will also donate....even if we can provide something for one family or child, it's better than nothing.

my two cents, I will send money, as I always do, should you decide to do the leg work. I appreciate you so much for doing this every year. It is going to be tight this year, as it has been in years past, but the way I look at it, I'm working and getting a steady paycheck, and to be able to help those that aren't and who have children that might not have a present to open on Christmas morn? It's a no-brainer!

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