Bringing absolute clarity to the problem facing this nation - IGNORANCE - Jimmy Kimmel's show interviewed a cross section of folks on the street about which they prefer: Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act.
Just so sad.
Listen up, people - IT IS THE SAME THING. The LAW is called the Affordable Care Act. The propoganda is called Obamacare, so named by the right wing spin doctors who know exactly what bullshit to feed their gray matter challenged base.
If you are one of the millions of people who would have answered this same way, shame on you. Turn off Dancing With The Stars and Duck Dynasty and spend some time becoming an informed citizen.
This whole thing parallels a small boy having a tantrum, shaking his fists and saying, "if I don't get my way, I'm taking my toys and going home". The Senate is acting like a bunch of spoiled brats - yes, ACA has already been funded, and yes, it IS the same as Obamacare, so many people post idiotic things that they know nothing about. I am so tired of it (altho, I am enjoying Jon Stewart's take on it immensely - and anything that is fodder for Jon's wit is okay with me...)
Posted by: Chicky | Wednesday, October 02, 2013 at 05:07 PM
And the stupid posts on FB continue... Saw yet another story on Obama being Muslim...Oh, for the love of Pete. AND another post shows a picture of him smiling and says something like "he shut down the government and is smiling? That's because he's still getting paid." Stupid and ignorant, that's what the general public is.
Posted by: Katy | Wednesday, October 02, 2013 at 08:52 AM
Working with what I thought were intelligent people, I asked some of them this same question..AND GOT THE SAME KIND OF ANSWERS. I can't believe that people are this ignorant. (Well, yes I can, but it boggles my mind)
Please let the idiots in Congress get voted out next election...please.
Posted by: Tracy in Cincy | Wednesday, October 02, 2013 at 07:36 AM
I don't know if I dislike anyone on this planet more than I dislike Mitch McConnell. And it's not just political. It's personal. That is all.
Posted by: Ame | Tuesday, October 01, 2013 at 02:10 PM
I was watching the FB feeds and saw you comment on something else, and thought "let's go over to DGMS and see what Linda says!"
I read this article a little earlier, which is very informative. It's apolitical, and outlines exactly what will happen during the shutdown.
What struck me the most is the part where it says that the shutdown will not defund Obamacare. In my head, I kept hearing Baby Houseman's voice from Dirty Dancing, after she confessed to sleeping with Patrick Swayze and he got fired anyhow. "So I did it for nothing????"
I saw a quote on USA Today's website yesterday that I thought was one of the best I've seen regarding the situaton. President Obama said he would never agree to delay the key provisions of the ACA. "One faction of one party in one house of Congress in one brand of government doesn't get to shut down the entire government just to re-fight the results of the last election." That about sums it up.
The majority of the people elected this President. Twice. So the majority of the people voted for this law. I would dare say 100% of the people would like to see everyone have healthcare, although they don't want it to cost them anything (who does?) But there's no one that can say on a top-line basis "no, I don't want people to have healthcare."
This isn't even a matter of finding money somewhere to pay for this at the last minute - it's already been funded! So like Social Security, and many other programs, it's not going to go away. They can only get at it if the Democrats agree to let them.
And now a minority who didn't get their way are just throwing a fit and doing anything they can to make sure they get their way. They are trying to take the rest of the country hostage to ensure they get their way. The law is not perfect. I saw Hillary Clinton speak last month, and she even said this. But had the GOP thrown their efforts a few years ago into resolving and refining issues, instead of just eliminating it lock, stock and barrel, then maybe it could be better than it is for implementation. But as a result of their knee-jerk, take no prisoners attitude, it is the GOP's own fault that they didn't even get a reasonable chance to contribute and be heard on this.
But it's law, it will go on. He's the president, he will go on. And they're the GOP, and they will go on....and on...and on..... sigh.
And of course, my new home boy, Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader (typed in sarcasm font) is no where to be found in this. I believe the extent of his contribution was that yesterday he was making statements about gun control. I just moved to KY this year. He is now my own personal albatross, and Allison Lundergan Grimes got my campaign contribution first thing yesterday morning!
OK. I think that rant about covered everything. At least for the next 10 minutes! :)
Posted by: Kerry | Tuesday, October 01, 2013 at 01:14 PM