One has to wonder if Pat Robertson's ass gets jealous of the shit that comes out his mouth.
By now we are all used to the opportunistic, money grubbing, speak-for-God snakeoil this man sells. He never lets a tragedy go unmined in his quest for publicity and more gold for the 700 Club coffers.
Sadly, his words fall on the ears of millions of impressionable, cannot-think-for-themselves, buy-what-he-is-selling ears. The unwashed masses so convinced of their own sinfulness that they will prostrate themselves before this charletan and believe him.
His latest verbal ass nugget?
Blaming "awful looking" women for problems in their marriages. As if every married man has kept up a regimen of six pack maintenance, manscaping, romance, and hygiene.
Take one walk through any Walmart in this country and you will see exactly how "awful looking" the married man can be, too. Those beer guts, dirty fingernails, fetid breath, and trucker hats are just SO hot.
Does Pat have even a remote point? Sure. I have long talked about taking care of one's self in the context of keeping the fires burning, the passion alive.
The notion that only women must maintain some mythic level of attractiveness is offensive. Both partners should care enough about themselves and about their significant other to invest in their appearance.
But then they should also invest in their insides as well. Are you even remotely interesting to talk to? Do you stagnate, just content to spin your wheels in place, learning nothing new, having zero to contribute to meaningful dialogue? Do you grunt a greeting to one another at the end of the day and then invest what remaining consciousness you have in marathon viewings of Hillbilly Handfishing or Real Housewives?
Look, despite even the most concerted and focused of efforts, our bodies will eventually succumb to gravity and time. Wrinkles will form, things will sag, fat will accumulate. Our tight twenties are fleeting and we are too stupid during those halcyon years of taut flesh and effortless metabolism to truly appreciate what we have while we have it.
But we can transition with grace, dignity, and effort.
Every woman AND man needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves some hard and fast questions:
Do I look like I care?
Would I be attracted to me?
What have I learned lately? Do I even know about three current events that don't include the words Kanye or Kardashian?
Do I convey that I am interested in my spouse? Or do I contribute to the vicious, and very common, circle of I-don't-get-what-I-want-so-he/she-won't-get-what-he/she-wants-because-I-don't-get-what-I-want...?
Pat truly has some balls. Shriveled with age to be sure, but to open his maw and put the entire marital peace onus on the woman is as ridiculous as everything else about which he waxes crapsodic.
Look in the mirror, Pat, and wipe that brown residue off your lips. How AWFUL LOOKING IS THAT?
And how is it that average, even shlubby men, get hot wives on TV and in movies? Like these women would ever settle for them in real life? But I digress. In the minds of Pat and his merry band of lemmings, the onus for everything in life is put on women. Men have virtually no responsibility for anything except spouting nonsense on how everything that goes wrong in life is the fault of women. I think this old fart should retire already.
Posted by: Nikki in NYC | Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 12:02 PM
You wrote what I thought when I heard about this comment...."What responsibility does the MAN have in this equation?"
Posted by: Robin in NM | Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 03:06 PM