It's no secret that I have little in common with the Republican ticket. The GOP has about as much appeal to me as a root canal performed through my anus. Their platform, drenched as it is in God makes my blood curdle. Revisionist history, something at which they excel, drives me crazy. And their misogynistic view of my reproductive organs as somehow falling under their eminent domain? Well, they can all get f*cked. (But only if they are doing it to make a baby, mind you.)
Watching the campaign for the Presidency the past 12 months, I am surprised I haven't snapped my neck from shaking my head so hard at the utter bullshit and lies spewed by the right. From crackpots like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain, to, well, crackpots like Rick Santorum and Donald Trump, it has stymied me how so many people in this country would willingly support such vapid, ignorant, self promoting losers.
Then I remind myself of one thing: President Barack Obama
Yes, that Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, community organizer with the perma-tan is sitting in their White House and must be evicted.
They are led by politicians who stated their sole purpose the last four years was to deny Barack Obama a second term. (See: precious little accomplished with their help)
I have watched as Mitt Romney, like John McCain in the It's-MY-turn stakes, became the front runner, then the nominee. Despite a list of lies (so many they are being charted by fact checkers - 553 as of 8/29), and the balls to have a campaign in which a spokesman actually says "the campaign will not be run by the fact checkers" (read: We can say whatever we damned well please because we are only addressing those voters who hate Barack Obama anyway), people still turn out for his campaign stops, still dig their heels in and support him.
Just curious - what the hell are you supporting? He refuses to elaborate on ANYTHING.
It doesn't matter that Romney's full of shit, and empty on plans and ideas, that he refuses to disclose his income tax returns, that his money requires a passport to be visited, that he is a Bishop in a religion that gives many people pause, that he is the pure definition of "elite" - a word the right has so casually flung at the left for so long - he is NOT Barack Obama, ergo, in Tinfoilhatland, he is the man.
24 hours ago, video began being released of Mitt holding court at a $50k per plate fundraiser. Speaking "off the cuff" his true disdain for the little people is brought into glaring focus.
Apparently, I am part of the 47% of people who suck off the government teat because that is the only reason I could possibly be voting for President Obama.
Mitt's words:
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter
what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon
government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a
responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health
care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the
government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no
matter what…
“And I mean the president starts off with 48, 49 … he starts off with a huge
number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans
pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out
there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every
four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never
convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.
What I have to convince the five to ten percent in the center that are
independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other
depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not.”
To those Mitt supporters who are desperately trying to spin all this today? It matters. It is in context. Give up trying to defend it. Even Mitt knows. Why else would he call a hasty press conference at 10pm last night to address these videos? Because he KNOWS. He knows what is still to come and is trying to get in front of it. Good luck with that, Mr. Romney. Standing in front of a tsunami won't stop it from obliterating you. And offering up some pathetic excuses like what you said was "not elegantly stated"? Again, good luck with that. (Oh, and you may want to be careful using 5 dollar words like "elegantly." Not exactly playing to your baser base there.)
OK, Mitt, let's start at the start, shall we? I will NOT vote for YOU, no matter what. Your grasp of the common man/woman is nonexistent. Your wife's dressage horse lives better than the majority of this country, definitely better than the military members who defend your right to write off the care of your dressage horse on your taxes ($77,000+).
I will not vote for you because you endorse a party platform based on misogyny. My body is not yours to govern. Just as your rapidly decaying weiner is not mine to govern. If you want to ply your pole with Viagra or Cialis, go for it. Do I think insurance should cover the expense of insuring you can still go all missionary? Um, no. If women cannot have birth control covered, then why should the other 50% of the pregnancy equation be enabled?
I will not vote for you because you lie. And when caught, you double down and lie some more. FACTS do not have a bias, Mitt. FACTS are just that - FACTS. That they tend to trip up the GOP so regularly is the GOP's fault.
I will not vote for you because you have absolutely zero finesse on the international stage. You offend every time you open your mouth. Your pandering, self promoting comments and lies as people lay dead in the attack on the embassy? You are an embarrassment to this country. And President Obama never "apologized" regardless of how many times you say he did. When will Repubicans grasp the simple concept of RECORD - PLAY?
I will vote for our President AND I pay income tax. In fact, I can prove I pay income taxes! Can you? Will you? Ha. We all know the answer to that. You will stand there pandering to a room full of rich people, painting all Obama supporters as slackers who don't pay taxes, yet you won't come clean with your own and prove you pay ANY.
As for tax cuts? He cut ours. An inconvenient truth for your side, akin to global warming, but truth nonetheless.
Now, let's take that whole "healthcare, food, housing" slur. Mr. Romney, I am a liberal, and I believe healthcare, food, and housing is the least we should be able to pull together as a nation and insure we all have. I'm not talking caviar and champagne, or a mansion with a car elevator. I am talking basic human needs. Not sleeping in a box, not serving your country and being evicted from your home. As for healthcare? It doesn't matter how your supporters chant "We're #1!!" over and over. We're not. Not in healthcare, not in production, not in anything but the creation of specious, lying, power whores like yourself.
I don't need you to convince me to take "personal responsibility" for my life and that of my family. Doing that already. As are the vast majority of Americans who try to get from sun-up to sundown with a job, food on the table, a roof over their heads. And if sleep comes, it doesn't come easy because we, unlike the privileged car elevator set, worry about having to lather, rinse, repeat the process all over again with the next sun-up.
Are we victims? Hell yes. Of A Republican president who cronied his way through 8 years in office, who lied us into two wars of choice, who ran us into an economic ditch rivaled in breadth and depth by the Grand Canyon (or Rush Limbaugh's piehole). We "victims" lost our investments, 401k plans, retirement opportunities, homes, jobs, THE AMERICAN DREAM when it all came crashing down on us - circumstances completely beyond our control, set in motion by devious, selfish pricks who run the money world. We "victims" try daily to find work, we want to work, we don't want to be on food stamps or welfare. We are dignified, patriotic, hard working, family loving AMERICANS.
As for it not being your "job to worry about those people"? You seem to suffer from Palinitus - the belief that only REAL Americans matter (oddly, REAL Americans being defined as "those who buy what you are selling") If you want to be President of this country, we are ALL to be worried about.
Oh, and a little piece of trivia for you and your supporters, Mitt: The top 10 aid receiving states - you know, welfare, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid? - RED. Yes, RED states take far more than than pay into the system, while BLUE states provide the largest percentage of $$ into the teat system from which those RED states suckle.
By the way - a large % of those freeloading tax dodgers you spoke about? They are the elderly who have paid into the system for years through their own hard work.
Finally, you mention emotion being a reason people vote one way or another. Well, Mitt, you struck a nerve, and nerves feed emotion. So good luck with that.
The clips from the video will continue to be released, and Romney's disdain for the American people and power-at-all-costs ambition orgy will continue to be revealed in greater detail.
And that's fine by me. At this point, Mitt is truly just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. And while it stymies me as to why, he still has a lot of help as his campaign sinks into the icy depths of failure.
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