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« For Chrissy | Main | It's Michelle's Day! »

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


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Sadly, this isn't new. In Manhattan, in the early 80's I knew some surgical residents that did this all the time. weird weird weird.

IIRC, between 30 and 40 years ago, the Penthouse magazine "FORUM" had considerable coverage of "wine ennemas" The couple would (after loading) use a tube to SHARE the wine!

And here I always thought that when George, Duke of Clarence drowned in a butt of malmsey that it was a barrel.

Kids today are so clever and imaginative. I never know what I am going to read about here.


yeah, it sucked being the last seat in the row!

We always knew when we were having a quiz or a test....we walked into class & the scent of mimeograph paper hit our nostrils!!! This new way of ingesting alcohol is disturbing on so many levels. What will they think of sad.

Ah, the smell of purple-inked dittos fresh from the office.. you're showing your age here today, Linda.

How long before these kids today (shakes fist, screams "get off my lawn") start using IV's to get the alcohol directly into their bloodstream?

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