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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


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Linda, holding good thoughts for your mom. It is really amazing what they can do these days and I believe she will have a positive outcome. Sounds like the usual hullabaloo at the Sharps otherwise, never a dull day! I am sure Kendall had the time of her life. It is impossible not to in Rome. Before we know it, it will be Carson's turn for her special trip with Aunt Kim to who-knows-where!

Thank you for the summer update. Here's hoping that treatment is available for your mother. XOXO
My daughter leaves for Boston in a few weeks and I am SO NOT READY. But I am cherishing all this last bit of time with her and happily watching (as a proud parent) her brother's interactions as they are aware that in less than a month the sister who makes them pancakes will be gone.

Thanks for letting us know you are still among us...

and GOOD FOR YOU for ENJOYING this time with your girls while they are all home.

Sorry the news about your mom wasn't better but am continuing to hold her in my thoughts.

Thanks for the update! Been wondering about your Mom and sending all good vibes on her behalf. Good luck on the upcoming season to Carson, and new school terms to Culley and Ken.

Linda, sending positive thoughts and love to your mom. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Your house is going to be quiet when the 2 go off to school... Carson will have to make up for the other 2 being gone. Somehow I don't think that will be a problem for her.

Ah, Linda, you're still among the living. I'm usually--and often--a stealth reader of yours. I've been waiting with bated breath for you to spill forth on the mess in Congress. It's probably something that you'll do a well-thought out posting about, but sometimes your passion about a subject makes it sound like your fingers are flying across the keys. When/if the US defaults next week, YOURS is the opinion blog I want to read!

Glad to hear it is the normal chaos at your house. Sorry about your mom's news but sounds like she is getting the best treatment available. Kendall's trip sounds amazing. The gift of travel is one of the best we can give our kids.

Good luck saying good bye to the girls. Mine leaves 4 weeks from today for her freshman year. I'll be looking for tea and sympathy (or margaritas...whatever works!) Enjoy the rest of the way too short summer.

I saw one comment and was sure it was ChickyChick - she usually is the first to chime in!

I'm sorry to hear the news about your mom, but I'll continue to pray that she gets it taken care of soon and be back to normal soon. Do keep us posted.

And the dedication that Carson has to soccer I expect to see her on Team USA one day!!

I was beginning to think you didn't love us anymore! Sounds like biz as usual at Casa Sharp - everyone running around doing stuff, no time to take a breath! I get tired just reading about what you all do :O) I am uber jealous that Debbie is coming to visit, we were going to try to meet up earlier in July, but things didn't pan out - give her a squeeze for me please! Your mom continues to be in my prayers - I was hoping that your silence on this was good news. Please keep us updated when you can - we all care about your family like you were one of our own.

Sending you a bitch slap for not writing sooner. Love yous

Thanks for the update! We love to hear the ongoing tales of the Sharp family!! lol

Continued prayers and positive thoughts for your Mom and her health issue. I know that must continue to be very scary! Hugs from North TX!

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