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« To All Our DGMS Dads | Main | Lady gALgAL »

Sunday, June 19, 2011


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Thank you all, and Jimmy is right, I definitely appreciate how lucky I am!

Those are absolutely darling pictures. And Rudy, your face is priceless. What a happy man!

Thank you all - you are wonderful. :O)

I'm gonna agree with Ronnie...your entire family just keeps getting better and better looking - have you discovered the lost Fountain of Youth and are keeping it from us???

OMG! What's in the water at your place? Neither You nor Rudy have changed at all! Beautiful pics!

I don't know if it made Rudy cry, but it sure did me. They grow up just too darn fast....

Happy Belated Dad's Day!

In every photo, Rudy has that rare look; a man who is luckier than he could ever have hoped to be, and knows it. Linda looks that way too.

Way to go Sharps,


beautiful pictures. You have the best family, your news and pictures always leave me smiling.

That being said, Linda you are a wonderful looking woman. It's clear you take care of yourself. Please, please, please go get an updated hair style. Call a guy at Bella Salon in Austin; Giacomo. You'll do alright by him.

You deserve it.

I am a little late - but Happy Fathers day to a really great dad! Your girls are very lucky!

Hope you had a very Happy Father's Day, Rudy!

Those girls just got cuter and cuter over the years, didn't they? Happy Father's Day, Rudy, and to all you dads out there in DGMS-land.

Thank you!! I am truly blessed

Awww. Great pix. Happy Father's Day, Rudy!

Rudy, your girls are so lovely - all four of them - I hope you have a very special day - You deserve it!

Ahhhhhh, it's always so great to see pics of your fam. Thanks for the smile. :o)

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