And so here we are. We have arrived at perhaps the biggest television event in the history of the boob tube.
The Jerry Lewis Telethon looks like a PBS fundraiser - heck, if you ask Nigel Lythgow or believe Ryan Seascrest’s hyperbole - poor old Jerry ran a lemonade stand compared to what’s in store over the next two nights.
And being the boobs that we all are – we will be watching every excruciating, saccharine, heart string tugging, moralistic, consciousness raising moment of it, because after all ...
This. IS. American. Idol. And THIS. Is. What. We. Do. On. Tuesday. And. Wednesday. Nights.
Not since Michael Jackson swung his magic lasso in the air, corralling everyone from Springsteen to Huey Lewis to Cyndi Lauper into a music studio to record We Are The World – a song that went on to pull in over $50 million dollars for famine relief - has a charitable event garnered such publicity.
Now, granted, American Idol is tooting its own horn rather loudly (and has been for weeks), but the media has jumped on the bandstand wagon and joined in.
We know all about the constellation of stars, both musical and theatrical, who will be looking into the cameras, nay, into our very souls, and promising sexy time in exchange for our picking up the phone and calling in a pledge.
OK, wait – maybe only Borat will do that, but you get the picture. (My God, I hope he wears that neon green bathing sling...)
Last week, when Ryan hinted at the "duet you have to see to believe", I actually guessed Celine Dion & Bono or Elvis Presley & Janis Joplin.
Now I find out that I should have been in Vegas this week to lay down that bet. It looks like I would be a rich woman indeed.
The word on the wire is that the "two biggest stars in musical history" are actually Celine, and yes, Elvis.
I knew he hadn’t left the building permanently.
Yes, Ms. Dion has been rehearsing with Elvis Presley – or rather what I hope is one of the top rated Elvis Presley impersonators running around Sin City. God knows, there are plenty of wannabes who figure as long as they strap on a fifty pound cape Bedazzled with an eagle, and a fifty pound toupee that’s just, well, bedazzling – they are Elvis incarnate.
The strong rumor, aka "information leaked by American Idol" is that on Wednesday night’s show, Celine will be singing with a high tech hologram, taking the whole Natalie Cole harmonizing with father Nat on a screen, to its logical new millennium step.
Listen, I love Elvis. I admit it. So if they can pull this off and create what looks even remotely like a 3-D E, I’ll be happy.
But tonight, the kids will take the stage to sing what are being referred to as "life anthems", songs of "compassion and hope".
And while that may be a tad too much sugar for your emotional tea, hopefully it will give you a big enough "rush" that you vote. For tonight, with each vote phoned and texted in, the corporate sponsors will donate a still unspecified amount to the cause.
So, get your hankies ready – surely someone (read: Lakisha) is going to beat a Whitney Houston song to death – and charge up your cell phones. Let the do-gooding begin...
Note: Tonight's show was pretaped on Monday - producers felt the need for more rehearsal time for Wednesday night's telethonapalooza...
Sitting in Mission Control, Space Cadet Seacrest welcomes us, "Tonight, we are presenting a very special show."
Same three judges, same six finalists, but there is a huge difference!
Cadet Seacrest has forgotten to shave.
Houston, we have a problem... Our poor little Ryan is unable to do more than grow a two o’clock shadow...
OK, ok, I know, this is a serious evening. A little decorum please.
Tonight’s huge difference is that our "calls will not only save your favorite contestants ... they will also save lives."
The elevator then rose up the side of the fuel tanks, and the Idolnaut emerged to cross the catwalk to the command module...we have ignition.
The doors opened and Ryan walked out, no solar flare, just a suit and a tie, which he unfortunately dragged through this tomato soup at lunch.
Wait – who am I kidding? This is Ryan Seacrest we are talking about. It was tomato bisque...either way, too bad he didn’t notice it before the show.
He then explained that Fox’s parent company, NewsCorp, would be ponying up 10 cents for each vote, up to FIFTY MILLION VOTES, tonight – for a total pledge of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.
Let’s put that into perspective, shall we? Rupert Murdoch, who owns News Corp, is one of 400 richest men in America according to Forbes, with a net worth of roughly 6.7 BILLION DOLLARS.
Essentially, that’s like you or me dropping the spare quarters in our pockets in the coffee can on the 7-11 counter.
But, no matter. $5 million is $5 million, and it’s a hell of a nice start, so we’ll take it.
Ryan also mentioned the other big sponsors – Ford, AT&T, Coke – who are giving "generous", yet still unspecified, "support".
A nod to the judges revealed them all stomping for their own particular charities:
Randy – Idol Gives Crack – how else can you explain that aqua-paisley nightmare of shirt? Surely the dawg was smokin’ a little sumpin’ sumpin’?
Paula – Idol Is Wack – how much bling did she have around her neck? Between the pounds of gold chains, medallions, and bullion, and the polyesthair, how could she keep her head up?
Simon – Idol’s Not Bleak – of course not, Simon. No gray or black tonight. How angelic, pure, and innocent you looked in that white shirt. There was, of course, the issue of the profusion of chest hair – seriously dude, do you use Scott’s Tuftbuilder on that, or what?
Ryan then intro’d the first of the many video snippets of the evening, meant to do one thing, make us cry.
They chose well.
I dare anyone to watch any footage of the plight of the children in Africa and not be moved. To not be ashamed at how much we have, and how much we still bitch about how much we don’t yet have.
Not to go all PSA on you, but they alluded to the malaria problem – problem being a serious understatement. Malaria currently claims the lives of 3,000 children daily in Africa
There are between 350 and 500 million diagnosed cases each year, resulting in more than 1 million deaths annually. It remains the number one killer of children under the age of five in Africa. For too many people, death by mosquito bite is a very real possibility - daily.
And for $10 per child, it does not have to exist in Africa.
$10 – that’s all it would take to protect a child, a mother, a father.
So, I hope you voted tonight. Rupert’s donation alone could provide bed nets and education about their use, therein helping 500,000 children in one generous, life saving swoop. ( And if a child is bitten and contracts malaria? Hope need not be lost. For less than two dollars per dose, treatment is available to cure them. But right now, money is not. (Wednesday marks the first Malaria Awareness Day in the United States - we can make a difference.)
To quote Simon about the devastation and horrid living conditions – let’s be honest, they are more accurately described as "dying conditions" – "It’s just wrong."
Which is why the finalists have chosen Songs That Inspire, with Chris pulling the short straw this evening.
I must pause here to thank my new buddy, John, for pointing out to me what has surely been itching at the back of many people’s brains, but they couldn’t quite get to it...
Chris looks exactly like Curious George.
George, er, Chris, chose to sing Eric Clapton’s Change The World. Sitting on a stool on the darkened stage, the ever present guitar player up there with him (does Chris suffer from separation anxiety?), I initially thought, "Wow – he finally dressed suitably for the theme."
Then they pulled back and he stood up.
What I originally thought was a suit and tie, was actually a suit coat, untucked white shirt, loose necktie, cargo pants, and black basketball shoes.
Niiiiiiiice, Chris. Just curious. Did you put that together yourself? Or did the Man In The Yellow Hat help you? He is such a natty dresser himself.
His performance tonight - I may choke as I type this – was decent. While sitting on the stool, his voice was smoother than I’ve heard it, subdued, and less nasally. And I loved the red glow of the spotlights on his stubbly head.
When he stood up and began to move, his vocals got a bit shaky, but he still finished well – for Chris. And you could tell he was actually happy with his performance.
Randy said, "Tonight, dawg, dude, you in it to win it." (be nice, remember, he’s wacked on crack); Paula said it was "fantastic", "well done", and that watching his journey has been "real exciting" (yeah, I especially loved when he chased that balloon all the way through the neighborhood to the park...oh wait...that was George..sorry); Simon got in his jab at Sanjaya with "the competition starts properly tonight" and said of Chris, "this reminded me of the first time we saw you", "good vocal", "more soul" and "you did really well".
You’re still going home. But you did really well.
AFTER. THE. BREAK. Ryan intro’d footage of their travels around America, lest we forget there is suffering in this country too. It opened with him walking down a city street saying something. I don’t know what. I got distracted by his overly obvious nipples. Man, they live far apart. Seriously, they were like Marty Feldman nipples.
But I digress...
Randy was shown visiting folks in post-Katrina Louisiana – the French Quarter may be bouncing back, but the reality is that the people are not. They also visited a poor area of Appalachia (no, I don’t mean that as in there is a rich part of Appalachia too); Chinle, Arizona where poverty is beyond poverty; they briefly touched on the homelessness in Atlanta; and then Ryan & Paula visited a mobile health unit in Los Angeles.
You know, I give Simon credit for dressing like crap when he visits these places. Old tshirt, ratty JEANS. I know the man has more money than God, but he has the decency to dress down. Ryan looked like he was shooting an Abercrombie In The Veld ad in Africa, and Paula looked like she didn’t want to be touched lest she smear her lipgloss.
And Randy. Dawg. Give the $20K watches a rest when you visit folks living in a lopsided FEMA trailer with no electricity.
Up next to sing – Melinda, who chose There Will Come A Day, originally recorded by Faith Hill.
Her hair was still longer and working to create both youth and a neck, but her dress looked like an old bedsheet had been wrapped around her . It was dreary grayish-brown, and around the neck she was wearing The Heart of the Ocean over a doily off my grandma’s end table.
Then she began to sing. And you know what? She could have been wearing dirty bed linen and a doily, and it wouldn’t matter. She is simply amazing.
Melinda always interprets the lyrics in such a way that you are drawn into them with her. I did not know this song, but I loved it.
Randy said she is "so dope", she has "got it all together", and that she has "arrived". Um, Randy, she arrived at her audition and has completely unpacked by now. Paula said "there is no one like" Melinda, and called her "magical"; and Simon said it was "incredible", "a vocal master class."
Miss Washington State answered, "Missing my family, home, and friends." Pssst, don’t forget – world peace. Always include world peace in a pageant answer, Blake!
He chose to sing John Lennon’s classic, Imagine, and I cringed. I think this is one of the most perfect pieces of musical awareness ever, and stylistically, no one will ever come near the emotion and conscious of the man who penned it.
But there he sat, alone on his stool – dark pants, tennis shoes, a tshirt, and a beat up, ratty, worn blazer with denim elbow patches and cuffs. A blazer so bedraggled, it surely cost upwards of $800 at whichever chi chi boutique Blakey was shopping in this week. Which is sad because I could find him that same blazer – heck, I could find him one that came to look like that honestly, not through some fashionista stylist sanding the thing to death to create tattered edges, for $8 at the local Goodwill.
But let’s talk about the vocal. It wasn’t bad. But then neither is unflavored oatmeal. But neither of them is satisfying either. It was boring, lacked passion – it lacked the story it is supposed to tell. Hitting the notes is important, but Blake always misses the "sell the song" boat.
I do have to give him props, however, for actually arranging his mouth so that we could see his teeth on several occasions tonight.
Randy called it a "great choice of song" but that "it was just aiight, just OK"; Paula likes plain oatmeal and called it "a real sensitive, emotional performance"; Simon felt it was "sincere" but that "it didn’t go anywhere".
Coming back from another break, we found Ryan in Africa visiting a feeding center which provides meals to 150 orphans every day. Now this broke my heart. Children are children, people. And those faces, the innocence in their eyes, is no different than what I see when I look into the eyes of my own kids. They deserve love, stability, HOPE.
Ryan explained that it costs only fifty cents a day to feed a child there, and I could not help but think that Sally Struthers must be really pissed off. I mean, how many decades has she been telling us the same thing, showing the same scenes of desperation, and then in swoops Ryan Seacrest and totally upstages her efforts.
I loved the shot of Ryan with the bunch of bananas on his head – hmmm, isn’t that a typical party at Ryan’s? – never mind.
Lakisha was next to sing – what’s this?!? – no Whitney Houston? No Greatest Love of All?!? Nope. She chose Fantasia’s I Believe – a song I still remember her singing in a downpour of confetti.
Dressed in a gorgeous Grecian, drapey, black gown, her hair sleek, sparkly fishing lures in her ears, she came out ready to dominate the stage. And you know what? Compared to the lackluster showings of the past few weeks, I had to say, LaDiva was back tonight.
No, it did not obliterate the memory of Fantasia, but she sounded strong and she seemed to believe what she was singing.
Randy cited "a couple pitch problems" but said that he did "like it"; Paula went totally off her meds, babbling, grabbing her head, closing her eyes, damn near popping a vein as she attempted to explain that Fantasia is "undeniably and wonderfully and magnificently unique" – translation: You are not Fantasia; Simon tried to mop up after her with "You are not Fantasia" (get out of my notes, Simon), but called it "very emotional". He attempted to add a few things but the audience wouldn’t let it happen, resulting in another "Will you SHUT UP?" out of Simon.
Another break and then it was Phil’s turn to play pageant contestant. His question? What do you miss most ?
Well, duh. Phil is not exactly a man who misses an opportunity to love on his wife, kids, the Navy, or the American flag, and tonight was no different (you did catch his pre-break salute, didn’t you?) His answer: his kids Chloe and Mikala. Can I get an Awwwwwwww from the congregation, please?
I have to interject something here – I am begging the make-up people to lay off the tweezers and brow liner. The man looked like Joan Crawford again tonight.
Spurred on by his country success last week, Phil chose Garth Brooks’ The Change. Dressed in a satin lapelled tuxedo jacket and tux shirt, unbuttoned with no tie, Phil was refined, but still a tad edgy. His voice was filled with emotion throughout the song, but I kept wondering why he was giving the tune such a Broadwayesque tone when he should have stuck to Garth’s original country soul.
He definitely hit his big notes – he always does – and I think he just may survive the cut again Wednesday night. Come on – the guy loves his kids, his country, and Garth Brooks. He’s an American, dammit!
Randy called it a "very nice vocal"; Paula said it was "fantastic" and that this was Phil’s "best"; Simon started with "I really like you", complimented him on a "good choice of song", warned him to "keep the country tone from last week", and finished up with "people like you."
We just don’t like your hats or eyebrows.
The next video footage showed Simon being enlightened about a facility which exists a mere twenty minutes from his manse: a food bank.
Calling it "the most extraordinary place I’ve ever been", I felt a tad ashamed for him. And when he raved about the "miracle" of $1 being enough for a table full of food? Simon, I like you – but come on. Not everyone lives in Rodeo Drive in this country. Surely you’ve deduced that from the people who audition?
No matter – food banks and the people who volunteer at them are integral to helping the hungry in this country. If you don’t give, start now. It doesn’t cost much to add an extra couple cans of soup, vegetables, or boxed rice to your own shopping cart to donate to your local food bank. What you may think is a little, actually helps A LOT.
Finally, Jordin was up to sing one of my favorite musical numbers – yes, I’m a theater nerd, sue me – You’ll Never Walk Alone from Carousel.
She looked gorgeous in a fluid, brown, knee length dress, draped softy over her curves, and girlfriend was working more cleavage than she has dared up to this point, but it wasn’t skanky. Strappy gold heels completed the look.
All I can say about her performance is: I got goosebumps, tears in my eyes, and THIS GIRL IS AMAZING.
Her voice packs the power, the strength, that we were all blown away with the first time we ever heard Whitney Houston sing as a teen. Watch Jordin closely, people. You are witnessing the birth of a star.
Randy called it "one of the best vocals of any contestant, on any show, in any season" and then, of course, he added "17 years old"; Paula called her "glorious" and said she did a "lovely job"; Simon simply stated, "You were fantastic" and that she "could have a hit record with that."
I just love that she was crying at the end of the song and truly moved by the praise.
Ryan gave her his tie (what the heck, it’s dirty from the bisque anyway) to wipe her eyes, and then showed the replay of the performances.
Now, typically, I fast forward through them, but tonight I watched, and came away with this: Chris, Lakisha, and yes, sweet Blake, do not belong on the same stage with Melinda and Jordin.
They just cannot compete vocally. I don't care if they are "different", they do not have half the vocal cords these two ladies carry in their golden throats.
Which is why I predict a Bottom Three of Curious George, LaDiva, and Blakey Rubble Wednesday night, with Chris or Keeks heading home.
Now, as Ryan reminded us, tonight "you are saving your favorites and you are saving lives", so I am going to get this recap posted and then put in some quality time with my cell phone.
Take that Rupert – those 50 million votes are coming, so get that checkbook ready.
When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.
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Posted by: Ellen | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 08:01 PM
Linda, I have to say that I love the recaps - they are better than the show!
I also must say I don't think Blake did himself any favors by singing Lennon's Ode to communism and one world government. Gawd I hate that song, and Blake's version was boring.
I really hope Jordin takes the whole thing. She's adorable, sweet and can sing. Melinda is technically the best singer, but for some reason she leaves me cold. The rest are all forgettable. I was watching Idol Rewind the other day while folding laundry and Kelly, Justin, Tamyra and even Nikki all sang rings around this years crop of contestants.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Caroline | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 06:51 PM
My dad has volunteered and ran the local food bank where he lives since I was in high school (over twenty years now). Too bad more people aren't aware of the need to help those less fortunate.
Posted by: Shawn | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 06:42 PM
Great recap as always, Linda!
John in AK, I took you up on your challenge and called my local food bank. Although I donate $ monthly into an even more local "storehouse" for those who may need it, I've never dealt with a food bank directly. They said their top needs were hygiene and baby items, like diapers, powder, formula, shampoo, deoderant, etc.; and protein items like canned tuna or chicken or frozen meats. I'm going to do this, so thanks for the nudge.
OK, back to Idol. I thought Jordin muscled her way through her emotions admirably, if not perfectly. Anyone ever tried to sing while staving off tears?
Posted by: Mom of 5 | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 01:43 PM
For once I thought Paula had something of substance to say when she told La Kisha that she just couldnt stop comparing to Fantasia.
When Fantasia did this song in the finale, she did it with a huge gospal choir.
Even if La Kisha's vocals were as good as Fantasia's there was no way she could ever compete with that overall performance.
Very dumb move for her to even attempt and go near it.
Blake- I think he's overrated.
Last night proves it.
When hes arranging songs with beatboxing or other gimicky things, he shines.
But strip him down and just make him sing, and hes a bore.
I think he would be a great vocal arranger, but his real vocals are just average.
Chris- I liked him last night.
He can be hot or cold with me each week, but I like him more then Blake.
Phil- I like him alot.
I am glad he is gaining some momentum.
Melinda- what can you say?
Shes amazing. THere is no song you can give her she cannot do and make you believe it.
Jordin- is as good as Melinda.
She has the vocals and the emotion, and the maturity.
Think about it, Melinda is 12 years older then she is!
I predict Jordin wins bc the 17 year old voting demographic.
Either way, Mel will be fine.
And La Kisha goes home tonight.
Posted by: Tamara | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 01:13 PM
NOW I know why I couldn't get through on Jordin's line! Usually, we in Alaska can get through with no problem to vote. However, "at least FOUR HOURS of voting" kept us out. I gave up after getting a busy signal on both of Jordin's lines for over an hour and a half. No worries. I know she is not only safe, she will make the final three and IMHO, will win. Interesting how some feel she was screaming but love LaKishia or vise versa.
We all love Mel though! Wish she could "dress it up" somehow, but, she is still awesome.
As for the LaKisha/Jordin discussion, I can't see LaKisha growing and getting better. I'm kind of tired of her bored/irritated/pouty look on her face that she seems to wear all the time. She had some major "YO" factor early on, Jordin has caught her and passed her.
Jordin is fun, having fun, and enjoying herself. I know Jordin is 17 and still basiclly a kid; LaKisha is a mom, HAS a kid, and is a woman who has had to juggle the food bill against the light and rent bill. But come on! Smile, remind yourself (i.e. Fireman Phil) that you're making a better life for yourself and your family. I was a big LaKisha fan and thought Jordin would last through the final six. Now, I expect LaKisha to go home any day (not this week, that'll be Chris).
Blake needs to do something to pick it up too. I never thought "Imagine" to be a sad song; he made it that way for me last night.
Fireman Phil; I listened for about 30 seconds, then paused the DVR, headed to the head, got a drink, let the dog out, and came back and FF through the rest of his performance. Dull, unrecognizable (and my wife has force fed me Garth for the last 12 years!) and boring.
If nothing else, we're seeing how this will be a two woman finale. I can't see any of the remaining guys making it, and after Chris goes home tonight, Fireman Phil should be next, unless he really goes a LOT more country, and stays away from being a little bit Rock 'n Roll (shameless Donny and Marie pitch!)
Folks, if you really want to help in the world, head to your local food bank or soup kitchen. They need help every day, not just during the holidays. My mom runs the food bank in Pacific County, Washington state. She equates $1.00 as being six cans of tomato sauce. She would rather get the goods rather than the money though. If goods are donated, they can be put to use RIGHT NOW! Money of course is welcome, but, time must be taken to go buy it, hope the grocery store will give you a good deal, and bring it back. A flat of sandwich bread can be bought at the "Day old bread" store for $10.00. Then, 12 families will get a loaf of bread! BTW, generic or store brands are very welcome too!
If you give meat, poulty or fish, frozen is easier to distribute. Even wild game is welcome! Well, in Alaska and Washington it is. I can't speak for other areas.
Call your local food bank, today. Ask them what their five greatest needs are, today. Call four of your friends and ask them to supply at least two of those items, today. The extra you buy won't break 95% of us who read this blog, and you'll help people in your area who need it and are grateful. Today.
BTW, over 50% of the people who use food banks make minimum wage and have children at home. Nearly 40% are senior citizens scraping by on Social Security.
Posted by: John in AK | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Of course, before Michael Jackson there was Bob Geldof - just thought I'd give the original "rock charity event" mastermind a nod.
Posted by: Carol | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 10:46 AM
I'm SO ticked- my Tivo missed a number when switching channels and I missed the first half. Your re-caps, though, tell a complete enough story, thank you! Anyhow, I too was guilty of tearing up when Jordin sang. I must admit though, I cry to that song when Elvis does it and when even Jerry Lewis does it, so to me it's the song, not the singer. She was fantastic though. I do think Kiki's going, and it's not right, but somewhere along the line she lost her soul. I think she knows Melinda's better and it's takn the wind out of her sails. I think up to now, her goal was to stay on longer than Mangina, and she did...I cannot believe they are only donating 10 cents for every dollar! Both AT&T AND NewsCorp should cover the full amount of each call. That really disgusts me. I bet they reach over 55 million votes...
Posted by: genuinegeno | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 10:18 AM
Chris: Not bad
Melinda: Wonderful as always.
Blake: I'm not a big fan- but I don't think he Butchered the song.
Lakisha: I think she started out screaming, but did better towards the end.
Phil: Not bad.
Jordan: Good as always. I was touched by her tearfull eyes.
Personally my bottom 3: Blake, Lakisha and Chris (can't decide who needs to go home).
- Linda love the picture contrasts of Courious George & Joan Crawford ;-) Phils eyebrows can float on their own.
Posted by: marlo | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 10:08 AM
I guess my viewing experience last night was a mix of Jacque and Linda. My favorites from last night, in order:
1. Jordin. Far and away the best performance of the night. I had the goosebumps going, and my wife probably shed a tear or two - but then she was already worked up from the feeding center footage. I love this girl, and really hope it's a Jordin-Melinda final.
2. Melinda. What a brilliant performance of "There Will Come a Day." I love Faith Hill's version of this song. I liked Melinda's version better.
3 (tie). Blake. Controlled, subdued, greatly handled vocal of "Imagine." I thought he was really, really good.
3 (tie). Phil. Not quite as good as last week. If he hadn't been a bit thready at the beginning of the song, I would have liked him more than Blake. I took his rendition of "The Change" well - I thought he was trying to infuse some of his own style into the vocal so that he wouldn't earn the dreaded "k" word from Simon/Randy.
5. NasalBoy. I thought Curious Chris sounded like he was singing from the top of his chest this week, which is definitely an improvement from his normal singing from the back of his sinuses. I actually wound up liking his rendition of "Change The World" - but I think he needs to stay the hell out of Old Navy when getting style pointers. Freakin' cargo pants? Yuck. He's still bottom 3, but he may hang out for one more week...
6. Lakisha. Beautiful, flattering dress. Pitchy, screechy vocal. Maybe she's trying to lose the attitude that has clouded her for the past few weeks, but it's a bit too late now...and she needs to be stopped before she sings that God-awful Taylor Hicks "Do I Make You Proud" abomination next week. My votes alone (not counting my wife's or my 12-year old's) sent about $13.50 of ol' Rupert Murdoch's money to Africa this week - and exactly zero of my votes went to IDOLS-04 or IDOLS-10.
Again, Linda, thanks for the recap - though the Curious George pic almost had my morning coffee coming out my nose. : )
Posted by: Thomas J | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 09:54 AM
Hi Jacque! I think this is the point where personal favorites and different tastes in styles, etc really start to play in to who stays and who leaves.
I know Chris has a whole contingent of fans - I have NO idea why - but that's ok. That's what this show is all about.
It will be an interesting ride from now to the end to see who gets knocked out each time!
Posted by: Linda Sharp on Opposites Night | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 09:02 AM
Apparently, last night was opposite night for me, and that's ok. I loved Blake and hated Kiki's version of ANOTHER idol's song! Melinda was "ok" but Jordin was terrible! I don't understand how the judges said what they did based on what I heard. Linda, I typically agree with you 100%, but like I must have been opposite night!
I hope Chris is the one to go! Tonight, I don't know if they can live up to the hype, but I'll be tuned in watching and on the edge of my seat!
Posted by: Jacque | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 08:58 AM
Justine is right. Since that song is one of my all time favorites, I expect it to be sung in a certain way. Ya just don't mess with it, Jordin!. (And the judges have said the same to other contestants, too about other songs.) It was just not the same song. Jerry Lewis sings it after every MDA telethon and does it better. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't the wonder that everyone is talking about. That is one CD I would not buy. Melinda, on the other hand ... I'll be first in line when her CD is out.
Posted by: Deb | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 08:39 AM
For the first time this season, I voted. And voted. And voted. I sat and hit redial for Melinda's and Phil's numbers for about an hour, so Rupert (ugh, I can't stand that slimeball but he's rich and he's helping) better open up that wallet.
I, too, thought the $5 million figure from NewsCorp was a joke. $50 million would be more appropriate. And I'd also like to know the amounts that the other corporations are donating.
As far as performances go, Melinda was my favorite. I have loved "There Will Come A Day" ever since Faith Hill sang it live on the televised 9/11 tribute back in September 2001. Melinda took that song and made it her own - no easy feat with a Faith Hill song. Melinda had me in tears.
But the worst tear-jerking for me was Jordin's song. I am not a Jordin-fan, and I thought her vocal performance was really really screechy (yes, she WAS yelling)... but that song reduces me to a puddle of tears every time I hear it. "Carousel" was the fist musical I ever saw (back in the late 60's at a local perfomance in Albuquerque, NM). When the lyrics of that song are applied to the global hunger crisis, it's a killer-diller. My husband walked into the den as Jordin was in the middle of the song and I was literally sobbing (yeah, I'm a dork, I admit it). Plus, the song reminds me of my Mother in so many ways. I truly wish Jordin had reined her vocals in a bit at the end... IMHO, she wrecked the song by trying WAY too hard to nail those notes. I had visions of fingernails on chalkboards a few times.... not good, dawg.
Blake = Sucked. Boring.
Chris = Royally Sucked.
KiKi = Fantasia's "I Believe"? Ooooooo, bad idea, honey. I agreed with Paula. I was unimpressed.
Phil = Fantastic perfomance, but, like Simon, I wanted him to "go country" with it -- not full-on Garth, but country. He's hitting his stride, finally.
I predict Chris R or Lakisha will be leaving tonight.
Posted by: Lori in Texas | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 08:38 AM
How was Lakisha's song "screaming" and Jordin's not? I thought Jordin did scream in sections and her last notes were very thin and flat. I think people were caught up in the emotion of the song's words. If you go back and listen to the replay you will hear the truth. Not her best vocal and certainly not the best on Idol ever for goodness sake! Melinda is a much better singer. Do you think tonight's "surprise" is that they are all safe and the votes will be combined with next week's votes and 2 will go home next week? Seems like it would be a real downer to kick someone off tonight's big benefit show. Thanks for the great recaps!
Posted by: Theatretroll | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 08:20 AM
Regarding your comment about Sally Struthers - perhaps people aren't moved when a 300 lb cow tells people to save the hungry.
Posted by: Randy | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 08:17 AM
I do understand why the judges were a bit tough on Lakisha. I agreed with them. I thought Chris's performance was his best, so far. I liked Blake's 'Imagine'. Nobody should dare mess with that song too much.
Phil was okay. Malinda was great as usual. She doesn't need to win this and may be better off if she doesn't. I agree that we are watching a star in the making with Jordin. She shines.
Posted by: Lee | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 07:59 AM
I thought Lakisha was terrific last night! Do not understand why the judges dissed her. She also has a more distinctive voice than Melinda. Jordin's song was awful! It was so breathy and off pitch. I don't see how folks could rave about it. Hope it's Chris going home tonight, he just doesn't belong anymore.
Posted by: Susi | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 06:23 AM
Did anyone else notice Jordin flubbing the line "dreams be tossed and...what did she say?!" Melinda is unbelievable! Didn't understand the judges praise about Chris and their dissing of LaKisha?
Posted by: Nancy | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 04:08 AM
Unpopular opinion time...I thought LaKisha's performance was excellent. I thought her vocals were fabulous. On the other hand, I thought Chris was just terrible, and I really like him. Maybe it's because I barely even remember Fantasia singing "I believe", therefore I'm not comparing Kiki's version to the original. And maybe because I'm a huge Clapton fan, I found Chris's vocals atrocious. Or maybe it's simply that I faithfully read your recaps every week. lol
In any event, I have decided that every year there is one really talented Idol who the judges criticize especially harshly and there's one who get's an EZ pass. I think LaKisha and Chris are this years picks.
Kiki has never turned in a bad performance. I think her mistake was that she came out of the gate, knocked the door down, beat up the guard, and announced that she was HERE. She did such an amazing job that first week and nothing she does after that can ever compete. The judges are judging her by that "out of this world" performance and they're not really giving her credit where it's due for the quality of her subsequent performances.
That said, Chris receives praise for NOT being horrible. He can do a mediocre job and be praised yet Kiki, after her first performance, would have to simultaneously channel Billie, Whitney, Jennifer, Chaka, Aretha, Patti, and Gladys to ever get the same praise.
Posted by: TrayLee | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 12:39 AM
my prediction sanjaya will be the biggest star from this season...I will never forget jordin's emotion however way back talkin bout her lil brother...but melinda deserves the crown...obvious the producers want jordin..17 equals cash cow...good 4 her..what a nice girl..but for me melinda..I will always love lakisha..hope she survives...phil and tonite bringin up oklahoma bombing he knows how to bring up the flag...he sounds like cher! chris..will have a great life from this show...from a virginia hooters job to fame..sweet blake...2nite was not his best ..but he makes himself the best he can be..have u seen how ugly his father is? wow..simon and the food bank..priceless..hope he donates his paycheck...but he was far more humble 2 nite..p.s. linda I really love your columns..u r a fantastic writer and great wit and just adore ur thoughts! thanks
Posted by: nick in malibu | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 12:16 AM
Jordin not only got the money spot but she brought down the house. That song was one of the songs that we had played at my mom's funeral service (sung by the Righteous Bros) and Jordin did it justice. I have liked her since the start and I think this will be between Melinda and Jordin for the title.
Posted by: Shawn - Lakewood CA | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 12:09 AM
I can hardly type and hit redial at the same time but I'll do my best!
Oh, those sweet babies' faces from Africa. Pure love. Made me cry - of course - and made me start flexing my fingers for the voting marathon...
Curious George! I LOVE LOVE LOVE him!!! Chris? Not so much! Yes, he was less nasally but he was still the Squintmeister. And his split personality outfit? Dude, jacket with cargoes? Even a monkey could pick a better ensemble than that!
Melinda - Awesome, awesome, awesome. Still my fave - watching her just makes me happy, dork that I am.
Blakey - Good points: song choice, and no plaid. Bad points - song choice (c'mon, ONLY John can sing Imagine!), and stealing a homeless guy's jacket - that is just wrong, man! Or maybe it was one of the unfinished creations from Project Runway? Either way - U - G - L - Y - you ain't got no alibi, just UGLY, Blakey, just ugly! Also, what the heck was with him singing "Imagine all the BEABLE?"!!! Pronunciate Blakey Boy!!
Kiki - OK, shocked me with the No Whitney choice but I've figured out her new, subtle strategy. "If I sing songs by Idol WINNERS, then maybe I will BE an Idol winner!" Wasn't her best for me, dawg.
Phil - I liked it. Thought it was smooth - probably would have been better had he stayed true to Garth's country version but it was a solid performance.
Jordin - The girl can SANG but I wasn't in love with her performance this week. Was touched by her emotion, though.
I hope everyone is voting their fingers off - it gave me great satisfaction to spend a billionaire's dough on something worthwhile! Wonder what tomorrow's shock will be? Something in addition to Elvis lives or is that the shocker? Can't wait!!
My Bottom Three - Kiki, Blakey & Squintmester. I think Chris will be squinting and bobbing his way back home come this time tomorrow.
P.S. Another great recap and excellent title, Linda! Thanks!!
Posted by: Sandy in NC | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:38 PM
I have been on the Jordin bandwagon for some time and tonight made me buckle up for the long run. The chick has chops! I too got the goosebumps and tears...
Scoot over Linda - I'll help you make Rupert cough it up.
Posted by: missykissy | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:27 PM
Ummm....Jordin? Were we listening to the same thing? She screeched and shrieked. Ick. HATED it.
Posted by: justine | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 10:55 PM