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Friday, December 15, 2006


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She's at it AGAIN, now with riddiculus accusations that Harry Potter promotes, not only witchcraft and evil, but drugs, gangs, and voilence in schools. Her win of the title "Idiot of the Year" by the Washington Post is very well suited.

Checking out the website where she was given that quite apporpriate title, look at the runners up:

Silver Medal: Nevada state senator Bob Beers who's pushing the legislature to consider letting teachers carry guns in classrooms "to stem a rise in school violence." Ready, aim, learn!

Bronze Medal: The 22-year-old British war vet who attempted to launch a Black Cat Thunderbolt rocket out of his rear end, on Guy Fawkes Day.

Honorable Mention: The hard-working cops of Muzaffarpur, India who attempted to arrest a 3-month-old baby for robbing a bus only days after his birth.

Hi Linda!

Wow! What a refreshing blog! Most I come across are rants about who knows what but, not only are your's funny, you have great common sence!

Several years ago my wife and I were heavy into the evangilacial movement. You know the ones, James Dobson sits to the right of Jesus Christ himself, Pat Robertson gives advice to God and so on. While we are away from that lifestyle and crowd, we still believe in God and try to raise our kids in a "Christian" home.

That being said, I loved the piece on Harry Potter and Mrs. Mallory. You hit it on the head! I realized I was probably doing more harm to my kids by denying them the chance to read books and see movies that may introduce thinking that is different from what I have. Since then, we've bought 4 of the books and all the movies that are out. My 11 year old daughter pointed out to me that "it's all fake in the movie and the books are a good story". Key word, story! Outta the mouths of babes...

I enjoyed the AI posts today and will continue to follow AI with your persperctive. Hope I can find your book on Amazon!

Oh yeah, don't forget that with kids, they only act that way on days that end in a "Y".


First of all "Abracabullshit" gave me a chuckle that I had been sorely needing all day. Thank you!

Secondly, I too was infuriated by the fight against Harry Potter in the GA state board of education and was glad to read that Mrs. Mallory was once again defeated.

Unfortunatley she intends to keep trying.

What galls me the most about the situation is that she has admitted to never having read the books she is so wuick to dub as "evil".

Happy Holidays
Mama Kelly

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