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« American Idol Results Recap, Wednesday, March 22: Sunny Side Down For Egghead | Main | American Idol Results Recap, Wednesday, March 29: Lisa T Bottoms Out »

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


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Linda, Thanks for the blog -- I also found you through GrayCharles (hi holiegh! Mind_Doc is my secret identity). I am new to the blogverse. My only fear is that I will electrocute myself when my Diet Coke comes out of my nose onto my keyboard.
Last night was pretty awful, with the exception of taylor and elliot. As I am not a big county fan, or a small country fan, I have no little trepidation regarding next week. Whenever I hear yodeling, I think of "The Lonely Goatherd". I always wanted to be one of the kids working the marionettes...

Must I really endure comments from a 16 year old Canadian? I mean really! I was left going, "huh?" "
who?" "whaaaa?" It was just like...oh my confusing! Love ya Linda!

I am absolutely loving your blog, Linda! I found a link on and since I love the recap on The Advocate every week, I decided to check yours're even funnier than the guy on TA.
This week was horribly boring; with most of the performances the only thing to do was bet on how many off-key notes there were going to be. Thankfully, Taylor came along and helped me climb out of the hole of suck (he was superb!), but I was soon plunged right back's hoping next week gets us back to an exciting hour of television! Speaking of which...does anyone else agree with me: I'll take the commercials (and Seacrest) in exchange for the longer performances on a 2 hour show.

Robin - I understood your comment and I thought it was very funny. Some folks just don't understand sarcasm.

Linda - your comments were brilliant as always. Someone needs to ban Mandisa from the denim rack. I love her to bits & pieces and she's one of my favorites, but she needs to avoid jeans like the plague. They are just not flattering. I think she may be making a "statement" with them, but it's the wrong statement. We all know and appreciate that she's a big, beautiful woman with a big, beautiful voice and spirit, but she's even more beautiful when she wears clothes that flatter her body and don't exaggerate it.

Keep it up, Linda-girl... we all love ya and I devour your blog like chocolate-covered cherries. Yum!

I was being ironic! It was a joke! Sheesh....

I still can't get past someone saying (in an all too serious tone) that they appreciate the "signposts that help them navigate the songs".

Where's my bottle of sleeping pills? I'm done.

Loved your take on last nights show, amazing that you could make it interesting after so many weak performances. Your blog is definitely way better than the show.

Great comments from everyone -

Thank you all for making me go back and check my notes. Yes, I had remarks about Smurfette's 'do in the margins of my notebook, but totally missed them while typing the recap. So here you go...

"Her hair deserves its own paragraph. While many of the other girls have discovered the joys of glue on hair - no one grows eight inches in 7 days, people, although there is always that ad for some Horse Mane Miracle Grow in the back of cheap magazines... - Paris looked like she had strapped Seattle Slew's tail to the back of her head. And when she started flipping it around? I swear I thought I was at the Kentucky Derby and began craving a Mint Julep and big hat. A REALLY big one that could cover my eyes...oh the hairmanity!"

... I think I almost burst a lung when you wrote the part about the spotlight and Mandisa. I was completely thinking the same thing!!! That's all I could focus on in the song was the position of the spotlight. She's got a killer voice but when she wears jeans, I'm way too distracted by the bottom half of her body than her booming voice. She should never, ever, ever own denim.

Okay, so I agree with everything you said, but like a previous commentor, I CAN'T BELIEVE you left out Smurfette's extensions!!! I particularly like the part when she was all "I Dream of Jeanie" hair-flippin' on us and got her hair stuck in her lip gloss. So classy.
ALSO, what was up with the crabby judges tonight? I at least expected more rainbows-cotton balls-squishiness from Paula--she must not of had her extra dose of hydrocodone before the show.
I also love Simon's comments about the fashion--uh, what? Not just because he doesn't have any, but wasn't it last week he was berating Paula about "This isn't a dance competition..."?? Hey Simon, darling, this ain't no fashion competition either--have you seen Paris???
And I don't know about you, but watch Pickles eyes when she sings. Her eyes kinda go in a Marty Feldmanish manner (did I just date myself??) She has what I have affectionately call "Dumb eyes". It is also fun to slow-mo on TiVo. When she hears a word that she isn't familiar with, like the word "the", she gets that deer in the headlights look and her eyes go all buggy. Watch for it, it is something.
One last thing, Chris and Ryan chattin' up his last week's performance....because he has been hammered on the internet about stealing Live's version????? I guess they just wanted to make sure everyone knew that Chris didn't MEAN to act like it was his own original arrangement, but it just came out that way....uh-huh.
Oh and Ace, yup, thank you for the self taught sign language, I would have never gotten your lyrics...whew.

Paula asked about his scar, because during the song, when singing the lyric about a permanent scar, he scrabbled at his chest in an attempt to show us what one was. I, for one, was grateful for the helpful visual. Ace is helpful in this way, as he touched his hair when singing "hair", much as kellie winked when singing "blink". It is these little signposts that help me navigate the songs.

I've started my own Idol re-caps blog, lots shorter than yours tho. But i noticed somethingyou didn't lol, the 3 FEET OF HAIR EXTENSIONS THAT PARIS HAD ON. Her performance was...all over the place, and topped only by Lisa's butchering of on my favorate songs. I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE Kellie fan, and it's not becuase of the way she looks, because i'm a girl (and i like guys lol), i just think she's got talent, and i prefer her country songs to anything that Taylor's done anyday. He's just not my style. But you're, what? 40? (sorry if you're accually younger than that, i'm horrible at age guessing) and my mom's a Taylor fan too. Me? I'm 16 and a big Kellie fan. My dad likes her too, and he also likes Chris, although *I* would like to see christ accually attempt to do Oops I Did It Again, the ORIGINAL version, lol, no rocking it up, it would be funny, they made someone on Rockstar INXS do a Britney song last season lol. Also you're for the US, and I'm from Canada, so that might have something to do with it too. Go Kellie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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