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« American Idol Recap, Tuesday, March 21: Blast From The Past Performances Just 50-50 | Main | American Idol Recap, Tuesday, March 28: Few Highlights in 21st Century »

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


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hell, I don't know what it means when it's said like that. It's not "A" balsy, it's just...uh...blasy. But I love her anyways, and I'm getting a bit sick of this, It's a bit mean, and i don't like it, I'd rather watch my idol in peace and cheer for kellie without any negativity, all of it, and the fact that taylor annoys me as much as kellie anoys you so...uh...if i can manage it, i'm going to stop reading the re-caps becuase all they do is get me into a ranting mode, and i feel like being happy, not annoyed. so, yeah. You're great at what you do, and I love your old stuff, and quite a bit of your new stuff as long as it doesn't get too political. Nothing against YOU personally, you know, but I can't take the constantine bashing and that's why i never read them last year either. I DO like your first re-caps though, during the audition stage when we agreed on something, the fact that we both did't like the Britnam twins or Brenna. I love him in glasses, it makes him look like a hottie emo rocker guy. Enough is enough though, so i'll be trying not to read them in the future for the sake of my own emotions. But it doesn't mean that I don't like you, i do, i just don't agree with your veiws on half the contestants, and i get a bit upset when people are so critical of others. BUT i'm very happy that Kevin is GONE :D So...keep doing what you're doing, and i'll be back once idol season is over, and to read the stuff you write inbetween the idol recaps.

You neglected to note the look of panic in Manilow's eyes when Bobbie zoomed in for the hug after the song. He looked like he was ready to cut and run before resigning himself to be Bobbie-handled. Ever the showman, Barry would NEVER forget the camera was watching but for a split second, I actually thought he was going to head for stage left.

Is there wax in my ears or did Kellie Mae Clampett REALLY say tonight that she didn't know what "ballsy" means???

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