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« American Idol Recap, Wednesday, March 8: TMI? Not Hardly | Main | Stop Googling - Your Search Has Ended! »

Thursday, March 09, 2006


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Well, maybe it's best Will is gone. The Peter Brady/Fred Savage feud was ripping apart our friendship in a horrible and traumatic way.

Of course, you know I'm right.

Thanks for the laughs and the pics!

oh god NO!!! No more Stevie Wonder balads! Nothing against him, of course, but theres only SO many times you can see yet another contestant sing a traditional "idol balad".

The ending with Gideon getting elimiated was VERY surprising, I thought for SURE that kevin would go. The girls was predictable, i knew it would be Kinnik first and then down to between Melissa and Ayla.

That's it! That you not only found that picture of Peter but remembered the pork chops and appleschauce line that went with it, makes you my new hero. Your writing totally rocks and you have moved to the top of my favorites list!

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