Poor God, once again being dragged into the spotlight, yet again being bent over the alter, and reamed out for the benefit of "the base."
In my less-than-great state of Texas over the weekend, a Glenn Beck sponsored rally was held. And like all things Glenn Beckian, the hyperbole was hot. And there was plenty of it to ladle into the empty heads of those in attendance.
The Taking Back America (from what, I ask these people) gathering featured speaker Rep. Leo Berman of Tyler, who admonished everyone there. You see, Leo speaks for the big guy. Then again, like President Bush before him, these type Texans apparently have some hella cell provider than direct links them with GOD. (I have a hard time getting a single bar driving under an overpass.)
"I believe that Barack Obama is God's punishment on us today, but in 2012, we are going to make Obama a one-term president."
I see.
Didn't these same folks pray during the campaign that God would put the right man in the White House? Um, yes, yes I know I received at least 20 of those ridiculous prayer chain emails going around.
And who did God put in the White House? (snicker snicker)
So, God is punishing these poor, disenfranchised folk with a half black man with a funny name. Man, he's a meanie.
Or maybe, just maybe, these people have more shit between their ears than Texas has in steer poo.
Perhaps, if President Obama is a punishment maybe it's for them worshipping at the alter of the Bush - Cheney years? For their rampant bigotry, hypocrisy, zealotry? And someone explain to me how this proclamation, in any way, makes this state Rep any different from the loons of the Westboro Baptist Church who constantly claim to know what gets God's knickers in a knot?
Glenn Beck continued to bang the God drum when he took the podidum, "Do you believe this is God's land? Do you believe our constitution was divinely inspired? Why do you believe those things? If God is with us, who can possibly stand against us? The answer is no one."
Last time I checked, President Obama isn't standing against you and God. He is a Christian man who attends church, JUST LIKE THESE ASSTENGALLONHATS.
No one has stolen this country we all stole to begin with. We came, we saw we wanted something, and we kicked ass, massacred, and reigned holy hell down upon those who were living here already.
Ahhhhh, the Amurican way. It's a beautiful thing. That, and our penchant for selective memory and revisionist history, Mr. Beck.
Separate your church from my state. THAT is how things were founded.
And while you're at it? Stop hiding behind God's white robes. Your dirty hands are messing it up.
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